Great question!
I have a terrible time locating that WikiTree ID. I have found that on profiles that aren't private, by clicking on the Family Tree Tab, and then the Family Group link, I can locate an ID for that individual.
But I keep thinking there must be an easier way to locate that little number and I haven't had any luck figuring it out either.
Ok Tom, I totally admit I am functionally illiterate when it comes to these details, but I just typed in that link and came up with:
There is currently no text in this page, you can search for this page title in other pages or edit this page.
So do I have to insert an actual name in the URL? like
or is this somewhere in the Help Index that I have just missed? I would love to figure an easier way than what I have been trying with Family Tree>Family Group etc. I wasn't necessarily talking about comparisons but was looking at how to find an ID in general and now reading this, maybe that is a different question altogether.
Thanks for replying.
Hi Toby,
What browser do you use? Some make the URL more obvious than others.
In your original question you say you have a hard time finding the IDs when doing a comparison. Do you mean this sort of comparison?
That compares Rockwell-390 and Rockwell-371. The comparison pages are one of the few contexts where we do make a big deal out of the IDs. They should be right there in the headline.