Does anyone have birth and or death info on Janet Blythe who married Andrew Moyes (a twin born 1810-1820)?

+2 votes
Andrew Moyes was a twin.  His brother's name was Alex.  Andrew's father died when he was young and it is felt that the twins went to live with their grandfather. The two boys were located on a census record lilving with a man with the surname of Blythe and presumed to be their grandfather.

Andrew Moyes, the twin, had a son named Andrew (29 years old on 1861 census record of Scotland, Fifeshire, Collessie & died 11 Dec. 1904) who married Catherine Robertson on the 29th of Oct. 1853.
in Genealogy Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Anonymous,

The best place to search for his records is Scotlandspeople, as it is the official Registar Generals Office for cotland.

The URL is

All the best

by Billy Wallace G2G6 Pilot (240k points)
selected by Mags Gaulden

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