Help Finding Parents of Arthur and John Reed (probably Reid) in Scotland

+7 votes
My Aunt Sue was always our family historian/genealogist. From her records, I know that the father of Sally Ann Reed Mathews was an Arthur Reed. Her compilation notes say, "Arthur Reed, born May 8, 1785 in Scotland, emigrated to this country when a boy. His mother and father were shipwrecked on the way over, so all the records of the family are lost."

She also wrote, "John Reed, brother of Arthur Reed, died in Zanesville, Ohio 14 August 1835." I have no idea if John was an older or younger brother.

I tried locating a birth record for Arthur Reid and Reed using FamilySearch but have been unsuccessful. I created an Unknown Reed profile so that I could link the two brothers so I'd really like to find out their parents. Any suggestions on how to continue the search would be appreciated!
WikiTree profile: Unknown Reed
in Genealogy Help by Diane Hildebrandt G2G6 Pilot (115k points)
Hello Diane-  The history our Reed Tree has George Reid SR, [b 1598 Scotland; d ___ Scotland]  Married Margaret Din [b 1586 Collessie, Scotland; d___ Scotland] in 1619, in Scotland. They had:

George Reid JR was [b1620 Sorn, Scotland; d ____ Sorn, Scotland] married Janet Ritchard [b 1636; Scotland d ____ Scotland] in 1649 Scotland. They had:

John Reid [b 19 May 1650 Sorn, Scotland; d 1710 Ulster, Ireland married Marion Burnsyd [b 1651 Scotland]

The dates are different, so it may be a different family of Reids.  It may make things more confusing instead of being a help!  There was no mention of Arthur.

Marilyn Reed
The Reid family you've listed seems a bit too early in time to be parents of my Reed boys. I think if neither boy could remember their parent's name, they would be under age five when the shipwreck occurred. Working from this assumption (which is probably wrong), the shipwreck probably occurred in 1790. Of course the birth year for Arthur may be wrong.

I appreciate your help!

2 Answers

+6 votes
Have you tried searching on Scotlands People. It is the best source for Scotland
by Michael Crawford-Butler G2G6 (9.8k points)

Thanks! I didn't know there was such an animal laugh

+5 votes

Scotlands People didn't give any result that tied in with what little I know about Arthur and John.

Tried searching for shipwrecks - found the Scottish Hibernia sank in 1786 - but it was in Carlisle Bay, Antigua. I went through the lists of shipwrecks on Wikipedia for the years 1785-1795 but nothing seemed to fit.

Since Arthur married in Staunton, Virginia in 1806, I wondered if the brothers would have had a guardian. It appears that only a few counties in VA kept this kind of record and the only services to search are the paid ones angry

Someone got a sledgehammer handy so I can take down this brick wall? cheeky

by Diane Hildebrandt G2G6 Pilot (115k points)

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