Why do location categories not show up in new profiles?

+1 vote
I added several new profiles (Farris) and included the location categories in the biography section then saved the profiles. I then looked for the names on the  category location page (Winston County, Alabama). The names weren't there so I went back to the edit section of a profile page to make sure the category was listed in the correct manner. It was. I moved the category listing above the biography title and clicked save, then went back to the category location page and the name was there. I had to do this with all 12 to 16 profiles in order for the profile names to appear on the category location page. So I guess this means we have to save a new profile and go back into edit in order to place a category before it will work or was this just something weird that happened on that day? Confused.
in Genealogy Help by Debby Black G2G6 Mach 8 (86.3k points)

2 Answers

0 votes

For ease of use, all categories for a Profile should appear (on the edit page) above the Bio.  They may sometimes function normally even when appearing elsewhere - but this is the best habit to form when using the Wiki coding for the Categories.
by Keith Baker G2G6 Pilot (108k points)
I have been making it a practice to put the categories above the profile, but when first creating a profile, the biography caption isn't listed in the biography section so the category automatically appears under the bio caption the next time you go into edit and has to be moved above it. I guess it's just better not to put the category in until after the profile is created and saved once. A small matter, anyway. One that just confused me a little at first. Now I've figured out how to work around the slight technical difficulty so it's no problem.
+2 votes
Hi Debby. It shouldn't matter where in the profile you put the category tags. Could you link to an example of a profile this happened on? I can't think of what could have caused this problem.

by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (462k points)
The other profiles are already fixed which is why I didn't include a link, but I've just done another one to see what happens and it doesn't appear in the category location either. If I go back to the edit section of the Profile and save again, it might show up. I'm going to experiment by creating another new profile and saving without moving the category above the biography title.



I just tried my experiment with George Farris. I entered his profile information in the new form where you include the biography information at the same time and put the category data in, then saved. I checked the Winston County, Alabama page and George wasn't listed. After going back to the edit section of George' s profile, I saved without adding anything. Guess what, he's now on the Winston County page, but Margaret Woffard still isn't there because I haven't saved her file a second time.

OK, that is just really weird.

I tried adding a category below the Biography heading on a profile that already existed, and didn't have the problem. So it seems to have to do with putting it in right at profile creation. I'll let Chris know!

Thanks for pointing this out, Debby!


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