Do you know that any Tree mention Sarah Sproull is subject to fraud by Gustave Anjou?

+1 vote
WikiTree profile: Sarah Carruthers
in Genealogy Help by
retagged by Ellen Smith
No, I don't know that, and unfortunately this post hasn't advanced my knowledge any. Could you please explain what the issues are?

It appears there is a notation for Gustave Anjou fraudulent individuals.

Yes, but the notation for Gustave Anjou contains no reference to Sarah Sproull Carruthers.  Just as we want doccumentation that someone existed, we really want documentation that someone is the subject of a fraud.
I did a google search for Anjou plus each of Sarah Sproull and her husband Robert Carothers and found no reference to Anjou.

More digging.  There is reference to Caruthers and Sproull being affected by Anjou's work here:



SPROULL Family from 1283 A.D.: with Ancestry of, e.g., Governor W.C. Sproull of Pennsylvania. Also the Affiliated Families; CLARK, with the Ancestry of Sen. W.C. Clark, MURE, PATTERSON, CARRUTHERS, etc.  929.273 Sp87a 

Good sleuthing, Jillaine!

In these situations, I often wish for access to Anjou's fraudulent work in order to be able to detect his influence in subsequent genealogies. But it's just as well that his works aren't being disseminated on the Internet where new generations of the families can be misled by them. I did find the text of a much more recent Sproull famly genealogy at that describes some of what the author(s) found in Anjou's work -- and trusted. Although this work acknowledges that "Anjou is frequently cited as being inaccurate," the author(s) appear to have been unaware of the extent of his frauds, and they accepted a number of statements/conclusions he made on the basis of old documents he claimed to have found.

FWIW, I couldn't access the links that appear on Jillaine's second URL, but I found one page from an earlier version of the website on

If you want to know if you descend from any of the known Irish lines please visit the Sproul DNA Project at FTDNA, or for more information. The Sproul DNA Project relies on Y Chromosome testing which means you will need to have a living male Sproul direct descendent to test yDNA. There has been tremendous success of late identifying Irish lines and their corresponding mutations. Send me a message if you'd like more information.

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