Elizabeth Tripp 1833, marriage to Isaac Leonard Farnham, ?

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Issac Leonard Farnham Parents of Issac Leonard Farnham are,Sire, Samuel Wingate Farnham. Damm, Catherine Wentworth.

Parents of Elizabeth Tibbetts are, Sire, John Tibbets. Damm, Anna Hussey.

 In the Farnham family records from 1810 to1880 there are 14 chidren born between 1834 and 1868, Parents are Isaac Leonard Farnham Dob 1810 and Elizabeth Tibbetts Dob 1816, Marriage 1834.  With reference to an Elizabeth Tripp, Dob 1833. Marriage date unknown.

There is a Citation for an Elizabeth Farnham, Dob 1834, with no marriage date, but married to Isaac Leonard Farnham, The parents of Elizabeth Farnham are Sire, Ira Farnham, 1806 - 1882. and Damm, Sally Rogers 1805 - 1823. also there is a Citation for an Elizabeth Tripp. Dob 1833, Married to Isaac Leonard Farnham.

1. Did Elizabeth Tibbetts Die, Desert, or Divorce?

2. This would partially explain a need for a second spouse to look after infant children born  between  1842 and 1849 4 children in all.

3. Is Elizabeth Farnham indeed Elizabeth Tripp Nee Farnham?

If Elizabeth Tibbetts is the mother of Scott Bailey Farnham. She would have been age 52 on the occasion of his birth?

Has anyone any other suggestions, There is a Citation 1880 United States Federal census supporting some of the above ancesters i.e. Isaac L Farnam. and Elizabeth Farnham, and Cites Scott Bailey at Age 13. as son. and the record would have been entered by the Census Taker at time of interview.                                                                                                                         I have recently received Information that Scott Bailey is not a bilogical child of Issac and Elizabeth.  He could be related or his birth parents indentured him to the Farnham's. However there was a bond with the Farnham's, On record he accompanied the Farnham settlers to in Canada. and later to stay with Daniel Tripp Farnham in Oregon.

4. Who is his Mother? Mrs Bailey
in Genealogy Help by Doug Stewart G2G6 (8.0k points)
edited by Doug Stewart

1 Answer

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I am answering this question myself,the short answer is NO.

After considerable research, the conclusion is that Elizabeth Farnham, Nee, Tibbetts was the only Spouse of Isaac Leonard Farnham.

Review of the 1850 Through 1880 United States Federal Census, for the Inhabitants in Palmyra, Somerset County in the State of Maine. listed Inhabitants, age and occupations. That from 1850 untill 1880 Isacc and Elizabeth were Listed.

There was no hinted 1890 United States Federal Census, available for scrutiny, The probability is that their deaths were between the Enumerations for the Palmyra  Area

Isaac       Farnham, -------       67,  Farmer

Elizabeth                   Wife,        65,  Keeping House,

George W.                 Son          28, Laborer

Daniel T                     Son         20,  Labourer

Scott B                        Son         13,  At Home

Various other Documents indicated there 15 children of that union, ( not all Survived). The next clue came from a news paper article titled


"Statistics Showing decreas anounce by Census Bureau"

Compilation by Prof W.F. Wilcox, Puts Foriegn Born Mothers Ahead of Natives.

The average Child Bearing age was 15 to 49 Years.  Therefore Elizabeth Married at 18 years had her last child Scott Bailey Farnham. in 1867.
by Doug Stewart G2G6 (8.0k points)
edited by Doug Stewart

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