Catherine (Gillanders) Mackenzie (dod: 10/11/1860) wife of John Mackenzie, Tacksman of Essich, Invernesshire, Scotland

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Catherine Gillanders Mackenzie was the wife of John Mackenzie, Tacksman of Essich (Scotland). Upon the death of her husband c. 1846-1847 she was brought to Stillwater MN by her son, John G Mackenzie. Catherine died on October 11, 1860 and is buried in Stillwater, MN alongside her son, John G. I have a frontspage of a bible gifted to Catherine from her niece Anne Gillanders (of which nothing is known), "Presented by Anne Gillanders to her dear aunt Kate on the event of the latter leaving her native land for America. Dingwall 15th May 1847". Catherine Gilanders and John Mackenze had 6 children: John Gillanders, Kenneth, Mary (married MacLane), Alexander, George and William. Family history tells us she may have been a descendant of the Tutor of Kintail (possibly Great ( or Great-Great) grand daughter?).  It is thought she may have been around 69 years old at the time of her death. I have no birth records so this is family lore-speculation.
in Genealogy Help by Bonnie Smith G2G Rookie (130 points)

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by Tom Bredehoft G2G6 Pilot (215k points)
Thanks Tom!  You were right. I confirmed 3 of Catherine and John's kids on FamilySearch. So we sort of found Catherine, too :-) I do have the birth and death dates of all 8 (not 6 - sorry that was a typo earlier) children, but have absolutely no information on her, other than she was the wife of the Tacksman of Essich (the town now buried under a farm). According to her gravestone in Stillwater, MN, she was 69 at the time of her death, so she was most likely born in 1791 in Fodderty or Dingwall, Scotland. She is our family mystery, so we are looking for her parents (Gillanders)...actually anything we can find on her. Thanks again!

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