52 Photos Week 44: Costumes

+17 votes

Time for the next 52 Photos challenge!

52 Photos and 52 Ancestors sharing bacgesThis week's theme:


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in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)

23 Answers

+21 votes

This is a photo taken in 1931 in McAlester, Oklahoma of my father-in-law LeRoi Nelson dressed like a WWI flying ace. I have no idea why he is dressed this way, but he looks very happy, and his sister Eleanor seems to be very impressed. My husband's grandfather W. R. Nelson is holding his uncle who is still living.

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (933k points)
Another wonderful photo Alexis of your father in law sweet photo of his sister too

Thank You for sharing this wonderful photo
What a grin on his face!  Great photo Alexis.  Thanks for sharing with us.
Caryl thank you for your comment. He was age ten when this photo was taken.
look at those boots!  that's a lot of lacing!  great photo, thanks for sharing!
SJ, I do wonder what the story on this outfit was. My father-in-law was very into genealogy, and I know he would have loved to be working on WiKiTree with me.

Alexis, I love this picture. Your father in law looks very happy to be in that outfit. It looks authentic and not like a costume.Wouldn't it be great to know the real story?

Thank you for sharing another great picture.

Cheryl, I like you, think there is a story on this. Thank you for your great comment.
You are welcome, my friend.
+21 votes

Photo week 44

I could only found this old photo of my husband and I in costume 

by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
Susan what a great photo of you and your husband. You both  have wonderful costumes, and your husband is so tall and handsome. I love his top hat!
Susan, I love this wonderful photo of you and your husband. You both look so good and happy. Thank you for sharing it.
You are always so sweet Robin thank You thank for for your wonderful comments
What a great photo of a very handsome couple! Thanks for sharing this little piece of your life, Susan!
So cute!  Thanks for sharing.
Thank You my wonderful friend Pip for your sweet comment
Thank You Caryl for your sweet comments
Wow!  Look at that!  I can regocnize Poul too!
Susan, I love this picture of you and Poul. And you haven't changed that much. Do you remember what you were doing when this picture was taken?

Thanks for sharing it, my friend.
Thank You SJ the photo are taken 30 years ago
Thank You Cheryl the photo was taken 30 years ago in tivoli and amusement park

Thank You sweet Cheryl for your sweet comments
A wonderful photo Susan. I love it!
Thank you Nicole how sweet of
+14 votes

 This could be a Hogmanay celebration in the Burdekin with the pipers in costume, however, I believe that the tablecloths tell me that it's probably Christmas Eve. The chandelier on the ceiling could be a hint ?

by David Urquhart G2G6 Pilot (171k points)
Wonderful photo David thank You for sharing
Thanks Susan
Nice to see this on the eve of heading to Charleston for the Scottish Games!
+18 votes

This is a photo of my 3x great grandmother Matilda Starr Buckingham.  She was an Oregon pioneer.  She is dressed in typical late 1800's style.  Not a costume for her but for me..I love the pin and the hat!  

by Caryl Ruckert G2G6 Pilot (213k points)
Caryl your GGG grandmother was a fantastic lady what a fantastic photo thank You for sharing this fabulous photo
What an amazing photo - I am sure she would have some stories to tell, but I get the feeling she was more of a doer than a teller.
Thanks Susan and SJ for your kind words.  She certainly had a serious look, you had to be a "doer" to survive on the frontier.
Carl, I love this picture of your ggg grandmother. It does look like a costume to us. She looks a little stern in this picture, but if you didn't have the right attitude in the 1800's you didn't make it to your next birthday.

I love her hat, and dress. It is amazing what the women did back then with their clothes. They definitely were amazing.

Thank you for sharing.
+16 votes

This was a tough one for me. It seems none of my ancestors were interested in costumes, or at least not in the front of a camera.

These two sweet little girls are my beautiful granddaughters at a Halloween Carnival last year.

They were three years old, and one year old when this was taken last year.

by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
This is a wonderful photo of your beautiful granddaughters Robin they are gorgeous thank You for sharing
Your granddaughters are adorable!
Thank you, Susan!
Thank you, Erin!
How absolutely cute is that!
Thanks, SJ!
Robin, your granddaughters do not look like witches at all. They are incredibly cute.

Thank you for sharing this picture with us. It put a big smile on my face.
Thanks, Cheryl! No, they're not witches. They're very precious to me.
They are so sweet !
Thanks, Cousin!
+15 votes

Pretty much all of the photos I have shown up until now have been from MY family. But since I dont have any other family photos of us in costume, apart from my sons halloween costumes, (and those are still off limits for privacy concerns - and because he is still a minor) I am posting a pic of my husbands brothers family dated to around 1992. They are all in costume, and the date of this photo, is around 1992-93, because the 2 young boys look to be aged around 2 and 3 years old, and the 3rd child has not yet arrived. The Wild Wild West in 1992.


by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Great Photo, Robynne. I love it.
Robynne, look how casual the little boys are with the guns. I think I have a picture of my nephew and his wife and my brother and his wife dressed like this.

Amazing how real looking they can be.

Thank you for sharing, my friend.
+14 votes

Hi everyone, this is a picture of my dad, Victor Johnson III dressed up as the Fool on the Hill for Halloween. He loved the Beatles and loved getting creative. He always had a great sense of humor. 

by Erin Johnson G2G6 Mach 1 (14.9k points)
Great picture, Erin. Put a big smile on my face.

Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Cheryl, I'm glad you liked it!
Gorgeous photo of your dad Erin how can he even sit like that

Thank You for sharing this wonderful photo
Thanks, Susan! He actually wasn't sitting like that, even though it looks like it. The legs you see in the picture are made of cloth, and his real legs are under the "hill". If you look close you can see his feet poking out of the bottom of the costume. :)
Wow Erin I thought he was sitting like this what a fantastic photo
+8 votes

I'm just going to put this link here: https://allthatsinteresting.com/creepy-halloween-costumes

Creepy Halloween costumes from the early 1900s. Have fun sleeping tonight!

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (882k points)
+15 votes

Wrong holiday, but it works for this prompt-here is my grandma's youngest sister, Nita, in the 1940s/early 1950s.

by K. Anonymous G2G6 Pilot (151k points)
Love it, K., and it works.

Thank you for sharing.
+15 votes

My Mom and her two best friends.

They remained best friends throughout life.  Only two are left and they meet every month or two for lunch or dinner.  All the kids and grandkids were friends, like cousins.

by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
How adorable they were.  I wish I still had my "Brownies" uniform.
This is a nostalgic story for me. I remember being a Brownie. And I remember the salute -- two fingers. We couldn't use three fingers until we advanced to the Girl Scouts. And that the three girls remained lifelong friends is wonderful. Thank you for sharing this photo.

Oh, is that what they're wearing!  I thought they were Halloween dressed as Mao's red soldiers.  LOL - 1950's girl scout uniforms look like red communist uniforms! cheeky

Just kidding, it was the salute that gave it away!

Robin, glad to hear that it brought back a good memory for you.  As for me, I've been ribbing my mom for decades, I plan to grill her tomorrow on why she was wearing a Mao outfit at the height of the cold war wink

SJ, I love this photo!! I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout, then I was a Brownie and Girl Scout Leader for many years. My daughter had so many badges there was no room on her sash, and she saved her uniform and has worn it as a Halloween costume several times. Thank you for sharing this absolutely fabulous photo of your mother and her girlfriends “With their great big Brownie Smiles.”
SJ, I'd be interested in how she reacts to that!
WOW, does that bring back memories of when I was a brownie. I am still best friends with a couple of my brownie friends, and I won't tell how long ago that was.

Great picture.

Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful photo of your mother and her friend show wonder they are still friends

Thank You SJ for sharing this wonderful photo SJ
+15 votes

52 Photos Week 44: Costumes

The very first thing that came to mind was something very recent that happened in my hometown. By now, everyone knows, and if you don't, I was born and raised in Momence, Illinois, United States. Momence is a very small town that was founded in 1834. My husband's 2nd great-grandfather, Walter B. Hess was the 9th settler of the town.

Momence has managed to keep that old world charm, and because of that, in 2001, Tom Hanks filmed Road to Perdition in our town.

The past couple of weeks, we have had portions of a TV show filmed in Momence.  The TV show is called Fargo, and the star this year is Chris Rock. He has been running around our little town getting his picture taken more times than he can count, and a lot of the residents of Momence have had their picture taken with him. His cast and crew were very friendly, and everyone ate and shopped in our local stores.

What does this have to do with costumes, you are asking?

Well, the picture below is Jensen's Drug Store which was the longest running drug store in the State of Illinois.


The white bricks that you see on the building were actually made in Momence at the Tiffany Brick Works. Many of our downtown businesses have Tiffany bricks in some part of their business.


The picture above is the same building, and they have staged the front of the building to look like it did in 1950. And Chris Rock and the other actors are dressed in costumes for that same era.


The last picture I am showing is the same location. They have put down dirt roads and built wooden sidewalks. They are now filming in the 1900 era. The costumes of the actors reflect that time period.

All of us from Momence look forward to seeing our town on TV. I hope you have enjoyed my little snapshot of my hometown going back in time.

by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
I love your photo sweet Cheryl and the story, I love the costumes they have on really amazing

I love everything about your photos

Thank You for sharing
Cheryl, my husband and I watch Fargo, and we are looking forward to seeing Season 4. Thanks for keeping us current about Momence and the filming.
Thank you sweet Susan, for you lovely comments.
Alexis, I have never seen Fargo, and didn't hear of it until Chris Rock came to town a couple of weeks ago. When I heard it, I thought of the movie Fargo and was wondering if they were re-doing that.

I was so cool, because one day they actually had snow in front of the drug store. It looked so real. My girlfriend's parents used to own one of the stores next to the drug store. She now lives near Washington, D.C. I have been sending her pictures of their store as they have redone the store front twice now.

I have to say, it is one of the most exciting things to see - movie stars filming in your own town.

And you are so welcome, my friend, about keeping you current.
Cheryl, I looked to see about Season 4, and it appears to be a whole new storyline, so you will not have to watch the first three seasons to catch on. I realize that I don’t remember past shows like I used to; funny that I can often remember things from long ago better. I will probably like the show, since I remember the 1950s better than the 1990s.
That was sweet of you to check, Alexis. I would have had a hard time catching up three seasons worth of Fargo. Thank you very much.
Wow - very nicely Cheryl.
Thanks, Nicole. :)
+11 votes

I always enjoy Halloween ... here are a couple of my grandkids from a few years ago ... Bruce William Sims and Gracelyn Marie Sims ... and of course there is Molly getting into the spirit!

by Bill Sims G2G6 Pilot (129k points)
+14 votes

Four of my aunts dressed in their costume for Queen Alexandra Rose Day 1917. My Grandmother (their mother) always organized a street collection for this charity.

by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (162k points)
+14 votes

This is my dad, Ralph Stewart Shane, Jr., all dressed up in a sailor costume.  It might have just been a little boy sailor suit that he'd have worn on a regular day, but I think it works for the theme.  He looks like he's right in the middle of a salute!  :)

by Susan Yarbrough G2G6 Mach 3 (30.5k points)
edited by Susan Yarbrough
Darling photo! Thank you for sharing it.
+12 votes

This is really stretching the definition of costume, but here are my grandparents goofing around wearing stocks.

The typewritten caption is my grandpa's, from a photo album he put together of his life.

That's all I've got! My ancestors were apparently not very costume-y people.

But, because I know they'd like you to see, here are my own kids, wearing their Halloween costumes this year. They made their costumes themselves.

by Jessica Hammond G2G6 Mach 3 (35.3k points)
Your kids did a great job on their costumes! I loved making costumes when I was a kid, too. :)
+13 votes

This is my grandfather, Yestin Jack Orme, an actor whose stage name was Jack Deering. He was playing the part of Chief Steward Newall in The Yellow Mask at Her Majesty's Theatre, London in 1929.

Yestin Jack Orme

by Chris Orme G2G6 Mach 3 (32.5k points)
Chris, your grandfather certainly is a handsome man. Hope you will be putting on more photos each week. I love these photos from the 1920s. Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo.
+12 votes


From left to right, Gleewyn Gummow, Jessie McEwin (my mother), Fen Lloyd, Beth Harmer, Margaret Harmer, Mary Hughes, and Lois Mugge, all local girls at Blyth, South Australia, in 1946.

by Alan Salt G2G6 Mach 2 (27.3k points)
edited by Alan Salt
Alan thank you for sharing this perfect photo for Costume Week, and your mother is the cutest of all!
+8 votes

A photo of my grandparents.  William Walter is in his working rig of gansey and flap fronted fearnaught trousers, taken about 1925 in the back garden of 8 Essex Road, westgate on Sea, Kent.Grandfather William Miller in his working rig.

Can't seem to get the site to ling to an image that is u[loaded on this site.

by Nick Miller G2G6 Mach 4 (41.1k points)
edited by Nick Miller
+8 votes

I am tardy in answering this, as the power has been out in my area of California for a week. Just came back on today.

I don't think that my mother's family celebrated Halloween, as drinking, playing cards, and dancing were all considered by her parents to be "of the Devil". Don't have any photos from Halloween in my father's family either. So, I was glad to see that we were not limited to Halloween costumes.

Here is a mystery. It is a photo of a costume party, taken by my grandfather, and dated Jan., 1917. Neither I nor any of my cousins recognize anyone in it. It may have been a party at the college my grandfather taught at; I don't know.


Just for good measure, here is my family wearing the typical Sunday attire of a devout Kansas farming family in 1890. My grandfather, who took the above photo, is the toddler.


They are of German and Swiss descent, members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and my great grandfather, a Civil War veteran, as well as being a farmer, was a lawyer, judge, justice of the peace, teacher, state assemblyman, and owner/publisher/editor of a newspaper.

by Alison Gardner G2G6 Mach 9 (90.1k points)
These are wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing them and the stories.

I'm glad to hear that you have your electricity back. We here in the northwest corner of CA managed to avoid having that issue, but we played host to many from south of us.
It's a bit ironic that there were no significant winds forecast here on the Mendocino coast, and no wind materialized. It was that the transmission lines to our area crossed the area with the high winds, so when they shut off those lines, it shut off our power, also. And a line that they failed to shut off allegedly is the probable cause (not yet proven) of the Kincaid fire which has burned nearly 80,000 acres  north of Santa Rosa.
I'm also not sure, but I think it was a similar scenario that started the Getty fire. Our power went out because of tree limbs on the wires the other night but fortunately for only 1 1/2 hours and no fire.
Yes, I heard on the news that the Getty fire was started by a Eucalyptus branch that fell on a line. That it was lines owed by the water company, and they hadn't shut those off. I have a cousin with kids who live a little west of there. I think they are just outside the evacuation area.
+8 votes

My nephew, Jack (Wilcoxen-127), was playing with his toy cars almost exclusively in 2009, so his dad (Wilcoxen-110) made sure to support his love of racing with the best racing costume for that Halloween. Unfortunately it didn't take, and Jack much prefers Ultimate Frisbee now.

by Jer Wilcoxen G2G6 Mach 2 (25.6k points)

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