52 Photos Week 44: Costumes
The very first thing that came to mind was something very recent that happened in my hometown. By now, everyone knows, and if you don't, I was born and raised in Momence, Illinois, United States. Momence is a very small town that was founded in 1834. My husband's 2nd great-grandfather, Walter B. Hess was the 9th settler of the town.
Momence has managed to keep that old world charm, and because of that, in 2001, Tom Hanks filmed Road to Perdition in our town.
The past couple of weeks, we have had portions of a TV show filmed in Momence. The TV show is called Fargo, and the star this year is Chris Rock. He has been running around our little town getting his picture taken more times than he can count, and a lot of the residents of Momence have had their picture taken with him. His cast and crew were very friendly, and everyone ate and shopped in our local stores.
What does this have to do with costumes, you are asking?
Well, the picture below is Jensen's Drug Store which was the longest running drug store in the State of Illinois.

The white bricks that you see on the building were actually made in Momence at the Tiffany Brick Works. Many of our downtown businesses have Tiffany bricks in some part of their business.

The picture above is the same building, and they have staged the front of the building to look like it did in 1950. And Chris Rock and the other actors are dressed in costumes for that same era.

The last picture I am showing is the same location. They have put down dirt roads and built wooden sidewalks. They are now filming in the 1900 era. The costumes of the actors reflect that time period.
All of us from Momence look forward to seeing our town on TV. I hope you have enjoyed my little snapshot of my hometown going back in time.