Log in and I am annoyed

+1 vote
I have been adding sources to my tree today, was working on Guy Bradley had put all the information and clicked save and instead get this page that wants me to log in, I WAS logged in when I clicked back to get on the page my information was gone.  What is happening, I'm not careless and just like the rest of the world my time is not unlimited.  I'm sorry for the rant but there must be a better way to handle this.  Donna M. Glover
WikiTree profile: Andersen-741
in Genealogy Help by Living Andersen G2G Rookie (260 points)
That's unusual. It's never happened to me and I'm editing or adding data nearly every day. Don't be discouraged. Hopefully, it won't happen again.
Hi Donna. I appreciate your frustration. Like Debby and John say, this should be unusual. If not, there may be a local connection problem. But then you'd probably experience being logged-out of other sites as well. (I assume you have cookies enabled in your browser and select the "keep me logged-in" checkbox when you log in.)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Donna

Any short break in the link between your computer and the server, which can happen anywhere in the web, will make server think you have disconnected and will automatically log you out to maintain security.

If I have significant material to enter in genealogy box I copy and paste from a document created on my computer. Otherwise if your local link is unreliable can only suggest frequent saves as you go along.


John Shipton

Devon, England
by John Shipton G2G6 Mach 1 (15.7k points)
Sorry John, but not in my experience. I frequently shut down my computer whilst logged on to Wikitree. When I re-boot (maybe 5 to 6 hours later), I am still connected (logged on) and carry on where I left off. Peter Knowles, Melbourne, Australia.
Hi Peter

I don't understand what differences we have in our software or network systems but I am never kept logged in if I shut down whilst on a secure connection.

Guess we may have different security systems. You might want to reconsider your settings if you are allowing secure sites to remain open whilst you are disconnected.


John Shipton

Devon, England
Peter and John, this difference most likely has to do with checking the "remember my login on this computer" checkbox when you log in to the site. If you keep that checked, closing your browser, shutting down your computer, getting disconnected, etc., will not log you out of the site. That's the same as any other site that has that option. So John, you probably are not checking that checkbox, while Peter is.

While you should not check that checkbox on a shared computer, such as at a library, there's nothing particularly insecure about checking it at home.

Thanks for putting me straight on this one Lianne. Glad you were able to offer explanation of differences.


John Shipton

Devon, England

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