Help us with November's Example Profiles!

+16 votes

Hello WikiTreers!

This is the proposed list for Example Profiles for the rest of the month of November. These are the profiles we'll feature in the Connection Finder each week. We invite you to weigh in with ideas, to step in and make improvements leading up to their feature date, suggest related profile possibilities, and add to our list of options for future November features. 

Some things we need to have for a profile to be featured:

  • Notability.
  • Connected to the Tree.
  • A picture or likeness is available to use for a primary image.

If those things are in place, we can build a biography, though it's a bonus if that's already started or developed as well.

Places we look when planning the EPOW (example profile of the week):

  • Important dates in history (births, deaths, events).
  • Holidays.
  • Media events (history mini-series premieres, dramatizations of novels, biography debuts, movies, new books, etc.).
  • Current events (deaths of important figures, memorial observances).

Here is the November line up:

November 13th: Carroll Shelby, commemorating the debut of the new Ford vs. Ferrari movie. Enzo Ferrari isn't connected yet, but if we got him connected, he would also be featured. 

November 20th: Fred Rogers, debut of the new movie, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.

November 27th: Edward Winslow, Mayflower passenger and Thanksgiving attendee.

in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (828k points)
Dr. Thomas Wynne, Speaker of the Penn Colony and physician friend of William Penn who arrived on the same ship, the Welcome, with Penn.
Thanks, John! I'll put him in my calendar.

2 Answers

+19 votes

A small suggestion: Would it be possible to modify the text on WikiTree's landing page for the week of November 20th? Instead of "Profile of the Week: Fred Rogers", could the text read "Neighbor of the Week: Fred Rogers"? I think that might be kind of wonderful. 

by anonymous G2G6 Pilot (144k points)
Oh, that's a cute idea! I'll be sure to pass it along to the Team. Thanks, JN.
+6 votes

Are you taking suggestions for next month yet? There's a event that will be in the news.

Servant of God [[Sheen-249| Archbishop Fulton Sheen]] will be beatified on 21 Dec 2019 in Peoria, IL. He will be the first (U.S.) American bishop to be beatified. (Beatification is when the title of Blessed is granted to someone already entitled Servant of God. When and if the future Blessed Archbishop Fulton Sheen is canonized, he would then be styled with the title of Saint).

This is a news article on the subject from the Peoria Journal Star. It contains some nice biographical info of genealogical interest as well.

by Thomas Fuller G2G6 Mach 9 (98.4k points)
edited by Thomas Fuller
Always taking suggestions! Let me look at our lineup to see if we can fit him in-I was just reading about his (finally!) being beatified and moving forward with the canonization process. If we don't make it happen this time, I know I'll be watching the process and we may be able to add him into the lineup when canonization happens, hopefully rather soon. Thanks, Thomas!
Since he isn't yet connected, he cannot be an EPOW, but knowing he's on his way to canonization gives us a reason to work on that connection so he can be featured when that happens.

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