Rookie here..How am I doing? Why do I feel like I'm the only one adding photos?

+8 votes
I need  some feedback on exactly what I'm suppose to be doing..I'm a Rookie. Are pictures a bad idea?
in Genealogy Help by Anonymous Lathrop G2G1 (1.2k points)
I've got photos added on almost all of my ancestors up through the 4th generation. If I don't have a photo, I substitute with a document, but after the 4th generation, having photos is sporadic because I simply don't have many. It's even worse with siblings of ancestors.

I love seeing the photos on the surname index pages and am especially excited if someone adds a photo to a profile in my branch of the worldwide family tree.

Looks like you're doing a great job of adding photos.

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
Pictures are an excellent idea.  You know the adage about being worth 1000 words.

Sadly for many of us, it is often difficult to find good pictures of our own ancestors.  We are not allowed to upload copyrighted material without permission from the owner either.

So, if you are lucky enough to have old family pictures then I would suggest posting the ones that help you best tell the story of your ancestor.

Good luck
by Ed Burke G2G6 Mach 2 (24.6k points)
selected by Wendy Hampton
+7 votes
Anonymous its not a bad idea. Im slowly working on add pictures. The Problem is simply as Ed said I dont have access to many pictures outside Grandparents I try to add them as soon as I get them
by Matt Pryber G2G6 Mach 5 (54.3k points)
+6 votes

In case you have not already seen this tip on how to embed photos in the text of the biography, here it is.

Images normally appear along the right-hand side of the profiles they're attached to, as well as on the profiles' Photos tab. But you can also display them within the text of a profile page or category page, or within a template.

Click to the photo detail page and look near the bottom of the right column for a section entitled "Use Inside Text". There you will find copy-and-paste code that looks something like this: [[Image:MyPhoto.jpg|400px]].

Insert this code inside the text where you want the image to appear.

by April Dauenhauer G2G6 Pilot (128k points)

Thanks April for that tip.  I have only added one picture thus far, mostly checking on the simplicity of it all.  I think I will enjoy adding documents and photos within the profile.

And as for Rookie Stuff and how are we doing?

I would like to see a Beginner 101 section for those of us just getting started.  I read on the importance of cleaning up the biographies after a gedcom or merge but it is not clear at all what can be taken out.  For example Carter-10179, how much of what the gedcom includes is useless? If it were left up to me there would be little left...the entire non-numeric Source section all about Ancestry, the Name section, every Image:446 Object: @M4516, every CONT...just to start with.  

If I said PLEASE would that help???


Carter-10179 looks pretty good to me, Corinne. You are right to take out all the Image, Object, and Cont texts.

The non-numeric Source section is the full reference for the numbered section, which are the footnotes. I agree the gedcom version can be irritating because it needs a lot of editing. In the full reference source section, I find it helps to go through and add two apostrophes before and after the title phrase, as then the title will just out from the mass of text in Sources.

I also remove data, text, 'Found multiple copies of..' and other non-functional items.

On Carter-10179, I removed the non-functional data in source footnotes up to #10, and you can see it still has all the information, and is less confusing without the irrelevant gedcom produced text.

You have high standards and are doing great - keep up the good work.

Quite a few members are frustrated with sources that are behind a "pay-for" wall, mainly Ancestry but there others. All we can do is look up the free census records on Family Search and other places and use them in our own profiles.

I'll see if anything can be done about a Beginner's page in the Help section.

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