Polish Genealogy Sites

+4 votes
Can anyone recommend a site (preferably free and in English) for Polish genealogy?  I am currently stumped by the REMBISZ and SIECZKOWSKI branches  of my family tree.

I am missing some links for a Andrew M SIEZCKOWSKI(b. ~1888) in Grudek or Grudki, Poland, and a Stanislaw REMBISZ (b. ~1892, imm. 28 Oct 1912), born somwhere in Poland.

in Genealogy Help by J. Erik Hartel G2G Crew (650 points)

4 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
I can now answer my own question.  The best site I have found is http://geneteka.genealodzy.pl/

The site allows for searching of Polish church records.  It requires some experiential learning, but you can also download images of birth entries in their original latin.


by J. Erik Hartel G2G Crew (650 points)
+7 votes

Ancestry.com has a discussion group that I've used



Others you may find of interest include;




If you happen to run across the surname of Kazmier, let me know.


by Bob MacDonald G2G1 (1.7k points)

Here are some other Polish genealogy websites :





There are some databases at : http://www.pgsa.org/


+3 votes
I haven't tried the international version of ancestry.com (I curious to know any feedback from others) but I know they've done a lot of work copying and indexing the Polish church records. Right now the best place to locate this info is from the Mormons (LDS) which has microfilms of the original records, but you need to know the parish where the records are located (can be found from the city and date or records, since the parish and even country changes over time) and you have to order each separate microfilm to be delivered to a local LDS family history center. There is additional info on familysearch.org. I've found the Polish online search engines very difficult to navigate also.
+2 votes

There is an active group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/50089808265/

by Living Harris G2G6 Mach 2 (22.4k points)

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