My great grandparents Lillian bennett and William h bennett

+2 votes
Lillian m whyte or white Bennett born april 12 1885  born in great britain died in new york  jun 1963.  usa came over with lady astor

 lilly married to william H bennett and had a son sydney herbert bennett in clapham england sep 21 1901 he died 1973.

i need any info you can give me on my grand parents please hopemy info is correct i need help with my tree.
in Genealogy Help by
retagged by Keith Hathaway
Please can you say who your grandparents are?


John Shipton

Devon, England
OK I worked it out

John Shipton
Lilian m Bennett & william Bennett
Who is Lillian m whites Bennets mother?

1 Answer

+2 votes

Suggest appealing to William Astor, 4th Viscount Astor, who is an hereditary peer in the House of Lords. He may know where Nancy Astor's houshold records are kept. The records you seek probably refer to her households at Cliveden, Buckinghamshire, or No. 4 St james Square, London. There should be records of the Bennets if they were in her service.

Right now you can have a look at the 1911 census records at but I found far too many William H Bennett + Lillian to be able to make a choice. Perhaps you have more info which could help.

Good luck

John Shipton

Devon, England

by John Shipton G2G6 Mach 1 (15.7k points)
Grandma was her dressmaker grandpa was not living with her i gor that far and got stuck at the astors lol there is no record for her after i do know a family story of her going in to a institution late in life but can not find the records. Any hint ? I found the same things on i am lost that is why i stopped using ansestory and the app is not working correctly so i have started to surf the web. Hope to go back if i can get some help

i have sydneys herbert bennett birth certificate and it is william h bennett but lily is hard to see.
Thanks for extra info. Nancy Astor was always beautifully attired - no doubt Lillian was responible for much of that - she must have been an excellent seamstress.

Have you any idea when Lillian went to America with Nancy Astor?

It is possible that it was as early as 1905 when Nancy would be visiting the family home "Mirador", Albermile County, Virginia, USA. After 1945, when Nancy retired as an MP, she then travelled widely and may have visited New York. Probably around this time there was a rift between Lillian and Nancy because you record Lillian's death in NY June 1963 and by this time Nancy was living with her daughter at Grimsthorp Castle, Lincolnshire where she died in 1964.

If the rift was amicable then Nancy could well have supported Lillian up to the time of her death in 1963. Lillian's death certificate might help with some comments about her circumstances immediately prior to her death.

I'm not being very helpful at the moment - afraid we are not in for a quick solution - anything else that you think could help would be appreciated.

John Shipton

Devon, England
I have now identified Lillian Bennet's USA Social Security Number as 094-01-5465.

The Social Security Death Index shows that Lillian Bennett was born on April 12, 1885 and died in New York County on January 1, 1963. A hard copy of her death certificate would cost you about $60 and should be available to a relative. If you want to persue this line of research suggest you take out 3 month membership of which costs around £16. They offer to supply printable copy for download to your computer. First check your local library to see if they have a subscription to any website which can offer information you seek.


John Shipton

Devon, England
Yes i got that on ansestory. But check this


there is some truth to grandmas bennets mom talkes about storys but i think lily is not the right grandma grandma stewart  is.  Can you help me link it some how my tree on ansestory is the my kids williams santy family tree

plus my grang father ? Was killed in the street by hourse and bugie peter s stewart is not picking up on much and w r stewart did die ?..... If peter is linked to w r stewart how is it ?

moms is the jollymore tree

if i find peter s stewart and lillian mariah white birth records  then i well sebscribe but i have been stuck for a year now lol and single mom funds are tight to be stuck if i am flowing with info then i do not mind paying. Thanks so much for all your help

i will take all this to mom next friday and have her go over it with me
I seem to be missing something here.

Who is Grandma Stewart?

I don't have access to your trees on Ancestry.

Can you point me to a Bennett in your WikiTree?


John Shipton

Devon, England

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