an odd notification in my watchlist

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my very first notice in my watchlist is this;

00:12: Cornelia Fenenga imported the data for Archibald Franklin Bonine from 2012.ged [Thank Cornelia for this]

why it picked Archibald out of 2026 people, I've no idea. but when I click on 2012.ged, which is my gedcom, which I believe I uploaded (I know Tami examined it and incorporated it into Wikitree) I get an error window that says I didn't upload it. it doesn't seem to be disturbing the functionality of my or Wiki's files, but I've learned the hard way that one tiny glitch grows bigger glitches, to the eventual undoing of a website. so I thought I should report even a small issue to keep the site in good health.

in Genealogy Help by C Fenenga G2G Crew (390 points)
Thank you so much this kind of thread will help me alot i always look at the glitch questions to try and avoid some of them!

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
yes, that's pretty much what's going on, I think, because I tried to view a merge log, which is sort of the same thing, and that's when the error showed up. I've seen other sites where tiny errors have been slowly adding up to some real annoyances, pages that run slow, programs within websites that have minor malfunctions, and programs within websites that have major malfunctions. 23andme has been glitchy for years, I occasionally see problems at Ancestry, and Mocavo lost functionality earlier this week, so it happens to be fairly common. it's just good to keep on top of the bugs before they become deeply enmeshed. from my own computer problems, I'm pretty sure the sooner the bug is fixed, the easier it is to fix it, but I'm not technologically inclined, not one bit, so I'm just going on a hunch and personal observation.

I must say, so far Wikitree's a pretty neat program. I'm enjoying it very much!

agh! run-on sentences! lol...well, I'll leave it as is...
by C Fenenga G2G Crew (390 points)
selected by Living Gilfoyle
0 votes

Have you, after import, maybe merged your own profile with the one which was in an import? In that case you will technicaly have another profile (I started as Bouman-1; after all imports and duplicate mergers I am Bouman-61).

When I open the Cornelia Fenega profile from the bit you pasted (Ferenga-2) I am automatically forwarded to your current profile (Ferenga-92). An your profile you can also see the last profile change which is the merger:

Last profile change on 22 March 2012

00:12: Cornelia Fenenga edited the data for Cornelia Gay Fenenga. (Merged Cornelia Fenenga into Cornelia Gay Fenenga)(Merged Cornelia Fenenga (Fenenga-2) into Cornelia Gay Fenenga (Fenenga-92)) [Thank Cornelia for this]
by Daniël Bouman G2G6 Mach 1 (15.5k points)
edited by Daniël Bouman
0 votes
yes, Daniel, that's exactly what I did. Tami created a file with just my given name in it. I filled in the data by hand while waiting for the upload, then when it showed up, merged the two. mia culpa. it made sense to me to merge them, but apparently Wikitree isn't in agreement with me, lol...
by C Fenenga G2G Crew (390 points)
At first it also had me puzzled since it also results in a difference when you view the profiles in a list (some will display your name as owner (the profiles you create before the merger) and some will say you (the ones you created afterwards). In that instance it gives no problems but apparently it does when you try to view an import log :p
I'm just seeing this thread now. Not sure why I missed it two months ago. Anyway, great comments and interaction. I love that Daniel was able to isolate the problem.

First, one note: Changing an LNAB is the same as merging two profiles. In the background, when you change someone's Last Name at Birth it creates a new profile with a new WikiTree ID and merges the old profile's information into it. It also merges all the data associated with that profile in anyway. But that's a lot. It can be thousands of records across dozens of different sections of WikiTree.

Some things don't get transferred over. Part of this is intentional. It relates to pages running slow, which Steve mentioned. In some cases we don't do little things that we think people won't notice, in order to save processing resources and make pages run faster. Here's an explanation related to this:

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