yes, that's pretty much what's going on, I think, because I tried to view a merge log, which is sort of the same thing, and that's when the error showed up. I've seen other sites where tiny errors have been slowly adding up to some real annoyances, pages that run slow, programs within websites that have minor malfunctions, and programs within websites that have major malfunctions. 23andme has been glitchy for years, I occasionally see problems at Ancestry, and Mocavo lost functionality earlier this week, so it happens to be fairly common. it's just good to keep on top of the bugs before they become deeply enmeshed. from my own computer problems, I'm pretty sure the sooner the bug is fixed, the easier it is to fix it, but I'm not technologically inclined, not one bit, so I'm just going on a hunch and personal observation.
I must say, so far Wikitree's a pretty neat program. I'm enjoying it very much!
agh! run-on sentences! lol...well, I'll leave it as is...