Can I view a full tree?

+3 votes
Is there anyway to view a full tree like ""? I find it hard to visualize where a family member fits in when only being able to see 2 generations above them.
in Genealogy Help by Nick Le Mouton G2G Rookie (250 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
No, you can only view five generations at a time, or seven on an ahnenlist.

We don't currently have an animated tree like Geni (I think they have one with Javascript or Flash where you can drag around and zoom in and out). This is something we'd like to add but it hasn't been a high priority.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by Keith Baker
Yes, that's what Geni has, complete with photos on the tree and hundreds of aunts, uncles, cousins and ancestors on the same screen.

"This is something we'd like to add but it hasn't been a high priority." :)))))))))))))))

I had assumed because of cost  it wasn't even an option--ever. Just knowing you'd 'like to' is encouraging, that somewhere in the far away future adding that feature is a possibility.
I would also LOVE to see this feature. I have a Geni account, and being able to see the entire tree and move around is awesome. Helps me keep it straight in my head. I do prefer Wikitree to Geni though... so I'd love to see this feature added to Wikitree.

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