remove a corrupt gedcomfile from WikiTree

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I imported  a corrupt Gedcom file so I want remove it from WikiTree. Is there a possebillity to do that? And how I can do that?
in Genealogy Help by Living Harder G2G Rookie (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Douwe,

There is a delete link on the report page you would have been given after upload. Any time before processing you can delete the file.

However, I see from your Contributions list that you a file was imported from you three days ago. Now that it's been imported things are much more complicated. We can't really delete profiles that have been in the system for more than day or two; it's unfair to the community.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
I'm currently in the process of deleting the 1,158 profiles from the gedcom that had no first name and no last name. These are just wasting space on our server and deleting them doesn't harm WikiTree because they wouldn't be appearing matches or lists. The other profiles created from your file will need to be managed by you.

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