I notice that hsa is using marriage for mistresses. I suggest the catagory should be common law for genealogy purposes

+2 votes
With a definition of agreement of cohabitation not recognized with a legal or eclesiastical document but resulting in the production of offspring. I ask for this catagory because I personally have this in my own profile and the resulting child was not pleased to see how it looked on my profile not to have his father on it. I see that this question was answered but I feel that it should be addressed again the answer was: there is no way to do it. Why not? Common law can be listed right under husband or wife, and not even the surname would change if coded in... many tree software do recognize common law as such, my home software does...If the answer given was a final decision on the issue I understand and will abide by it . I wanted to make the comment that the answer included the way to "get around" that was to add common law or unmarrieds such as the mistresses listed as wives of Henry the VIII is misleading at the topical glance and from a historically correct point of view. Thank you.
in Genealogy Help by Gloria Lange G2G6 Mach 1 (14.9k points)
retagged by Liander Lavoie

1 Answer

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Best answer
Creating a new system for common law marriages would be a deep and complex change on WikiTree.

If we were to do it, I think it would be parallel to how we do status indicators like "certain" and "uncertain".

It's on the to-do list to allow status indicators for relationships. For example, allow you to say that a parent-child relationship is uncertain in the same way you can say a date is uncertain. I'll make a note to examine this issue at the same time.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by Gloria Lange
Thank you Chris nice to know its on a list to be considered. I also had sent a comment to Roger of euroaristo so I do see the issue being thought about which was my concern. I think your way of status choices may be best of all and glad that You see through the problem to the simpler solutions because as you by now realize I get a little complicated and cant see the forest for the tree ;)
Its similar to the issue about adopted children. Following Genealogical rules is probably the best bet.  Lots of room in Profiles for drawing peoples attention and clarifing.  Divorce is another pain point for some.  These issue usually come up when dealing with living people where there are other privacy concerns.  Ed
Fascinating. Just discovered this. I don't understand why it's so difficult to implement. Most (all?) genealogy programs have a category for "Unmarried". Why is it so difficult to implement here?

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