swapping profile manger per branch

+1 vote

OK, maybe a rare use case, maybe not?

I am divorced but my GEDCOM was of both families - I uploaded it, tweaked it, added new family to it etc and then decided my daughter (a budding genealogist) would be best suited to take over managing mum's side of the tree.

I had envisaged clicking on mum and swapping everyone above to my daughter, with one click.

However, the way the site lays out the page to do this is by surname and doesn't follow spouses etc lines.  

I then waded through clicking each highlighted person "descendants of" and "ancestors and siblings of" to try and grab as many as poss.

I then have to export the remaining as GEDCOM, import into Family Tree Maker, print an "everybody" tree and pick out the non-linked stragglers.

Not ideal

Plus I note that all their names still appear in my Watchlist???

Bass-788 is mum, I need everyone above to have profile managers Mee-94 and Mee-92 and for everyone above to disappear from my watch list.


WikiTree profile:
in Genealogy Help by David Mee G2G4 (4.3k points)
Hmmmm - so, removing me as manager still leaves me on their Trusted List - ho hum - off to waste more time clicking every link :-(

1 Answer

+1 vote
I'm guessing what you've done so far has been through http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Special:TrustedListChanges and/or http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Special:ManagerChanges right?

There's nothing faster than using the descendants of and ancestors and siblings of links, I'm afraid. It's still a lot faster than doing it one by one, though.

As for the names still being on your watchlist, to get rid of them you'll have to do the trusted list changes for you, too. So, do the changes to add your daughter to the trusted lists, and then the same changes to remove yourself.

And yes, you can still be on the trusted list without being a manager. So you'll want to use the bulk trusted list changes tool to remove yourself, not the manager changes one.

I hope that helps!

by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (462k points)
Oops, apparently I don't know as much as I thought. :) Looking at the instructions on http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Special:ManagerChanges it looks like you can actually select replace yourself with a designated user as profile manager, which will remove you and add your daughter in the same step. That won't solve the trusted list issue, though.

So: First use that page to replace yourself with your daughter as manager, then use the trusted list changes page to remove yourself from the trusted lists.
:-) already spotted the "replace" option but its a major pain in the bum doing it this way, can't we have an "anyone related to this person in any way, shape or form" option :-)

A "prune" option to completely disect a whole branch off the tree (or add to - I have the prospect of adding my father-in-law to his carefully researched lines and again I will be missing spouses off etc)
I definitely get what you're saying, but I'm not sure how easy such an option would be add, technically speaking. While all descendants and all ancestors are pretty straightforward, "all people related in any way to this person" could result in a huge number of paths for the code to follow, couldn't it?

You're making me want to get out my old Analysis of Algorithms textbooks! :)

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