what goes into a GEDCOM export

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OK, confused now


I am trying to remove myself from my ex-wife's side of the tree - the only connection being our marriage.

I have swapped profile managers and removed myself from their trusted list - as best as I could - see other thread!

I then exported the GEDCOM thinking this would only export people I am profile manager or trusted (and would enable me to find stragglers I had not removed myself from) - however it still exports the full list.

Should it?

How do I produce a "tree" of of whom I am profile manager, so I can remove myself from the stragglers.?
in Genealogy Help by David Mee G2G4 (4.4k points)

1 Answer

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Hi David,

The export should only include profiles for which you're on the Trusted List. However, if there is a nuclear family member where you're not on the Trusted List connected to someone for whom you are, in order to preserve the relationships the public information from the other profile will be included.

I'm not sure what you're asking here: "How do I produce a 'tree' of of whom I am profile manager, so I can remove myself from the stragglers.?"

Do you want to clarify?

It's important to remember that we're all collaborating on one shared tree. That's the mission for which WikiTree is designed.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
I uploaded a GEDCOM that included my tree and my ex-wife's

I am trying to swap my wife's branch over to my daughter so she is Profile Manager - I have another thread on this - itsnot easy - the pages show by surname and you can only choose ancestors or descendants - not whole branch - so for example, ex's mum gets chosen but not mum's siblings children - I have to tick each person descendants and ancestors link to try and get everyone.

I then have to do same for Trusted List status.

I then wanted to export the GEDCOM - that I presumed would be people I was either trusted or manager.

My Family Tree Maker will then produce a full tree of everyone in the GEDCOM and any showing as separate trees are people I missed taking myself off.

Well, that was the theory - however Wikitree seems to intelligently add in the bridges.

So - I want a tree showing whether I have Trusted or PM staus still and I can then manually delete

Whata pain :-(
Hmmm - maybe I was too quick generating GEDCOM, their names have now disappeared off my Watchlist (which tey didn't yesterday) so will retry export

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