CIVIL_WAR Genealogy
WikiTree is a community of genealogists — including 336 CIVIL_WAR genealogists and amateur family historians — dedicated to growing an accurate collaborative family tree that's 100% free and accessible to everyone forever. Please join us.
G2G Activity
Most-recent posts tagged CIVIL_WAR in our Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum:- 3rd Tennessee Cavalry - Civil War 21 Nov 2024.
- US Civil War 2024 Sept Challenge--POW's Who Died in Elmira Prison 29 Aug 2024.
- Has anyone looked at the 25th Corp USCT? 19 Jun 2024.
- Civil War Freeman's Alabama Prison Guards category? 13 Jun 2023.
- My uncle died a POW in Elmira New York Civil War prison. Is there a badge? 7 Jun 2023.
- Help with a military unit 8 Oct 2022.
- Can Military and War Correct and Update Signup Threads in G2G? 17 Jan 2020.
Free-Space Genealogy Pages
- Civil War Flags of North Carolina North Carolina, United States (1861-1865) managed by Laura Ward.
- Point Lookout Civil War Prison Scotland, Maryland 1 comments, managed by Curtis Newman.
- Letter from A. B. Kephart to His Mother (19 Apr 1865)
Spring Hill, Mobile, Alabama, United States (19 Apr 1865) 3 photos, managed by Mark Williams.
Please join us in collaborating on CIVIL_WAR family trees. We need the help of good genealogists to grow a completely free shared family tree to connect us all.
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