HAITI Genealogy
WikiTree is a community of genealogists — including 18 HAITI genealogists and amateur family historians — dedicated to growing an accurate collaborative family tree that's 100% free and accessible to everyone forever. Please join us.
G2G Activity
Most-recent posts tagged HAITI in our Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum:- WikiTree 15 Nations Global Tour: HAITI (Stop #5) 29 Mar 2023.
- How to categorize French planters who fled Haiti during the revolution? 28 Nov 2022.
- Who was the mother of John James Audubon? 23 Feb 2021.
- Anyone out there familiar with Haitian research? 13 Feb 2021.
- French to English translation needed, handwritten death record c1914 9 Dec 2020.
- Haiti & Haïti as parallel categories? 21 Nov 2020.
- Category checkup 23 May 2020.
Free-Space Genealogy Pages
- 15 Nations Global Tour: Haiti (Stop #6)
2 photos, managed by David Randall.
- Haiti Project
1 photos, managed by Emma MacBeath.
- Sources-Haiti and Saint Domingue managed by Don Osborn.
Please join us in collaborating on HAITI family trees. We need the help of good genealogists to grow a completely free shared family tree to connect us all.
H Genealogy > HAITI
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