Londonderry Genealogy

About 1 Londonderrys.

WikiTree is a community of genealogists — including 22 Londonderry genealogists and amateur family historians — dedicated to growing an accurate collaborative family tree that's 100% free and accessible to everyone forever.   Please join us.

Here are the 1 most-recently added or edited Londonderry members, cousins, and ancestors. Click here to search all 1.

abt 1302 England - 1375 / managed by Disproven Existence WikiTree / last edited 13 Dec 2022
Londonderry-tagged activity in G2G (Genealogist-to-Genealogist Forum):
  1. Looking for info about William Smith and Margaret Killough Marron 9 Mar 2024.
  2. Need parents of orphaned Patrick McDonald (b. 1823 Co Donegal, Ireland - d. 1910 Youngstown, OH) 28 Feb 2023.
  3. Edward Tarleton approx 1600 - 1661 Donegal + Londonderry 19 Oct 2022.
Londonderry genealogy free-space pages:
  1. Claggan Presbyterian Churchyard, Moneymore, Londonderry Claggan, Lissan, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom managed by Matt McNabb.
  2. Ballyscullion Civil Parish, County Londonderry managed by Ireland Project WikiTree.
  3. Dunboe Civil Parish, County Londonderry managed by Ireland Project WikiTree.

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Please join us in collaborating on Londonderry family trees. We need the help of good genealogists to grow a completely free shared family tree to connect us all.

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