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Images for Johann Christoph Maass

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His place on the family tree

Johann Christoph Maass, Where: [location?] When: [date?]
Comments: 0. WikiTree Popularity: 1.
Uploaded 5 Nov 2013. Original image 2168 x 3588 pixels.

Misc. note on Christoph

Johann Christoph Maass, Where: [location?] When: [date?]
Comments: 1. WikiTree Popularity: 1.
Uploaded 5 Nov 2013. Original image 2576 x 1405 pixels.

Overview of their 4 children; extensive notes on Gottfried.

Johann Christoph Maass, Where: [location?] When: [date?]
Comments: 0. WikiTree Popularity: 1.
Uploaded 5 Nov 2013. Original image 2518 x 2158 pixels.