
Images for Henry Plantagenet

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Henry II Fontevrault Tomb Effigy

Henry II Plantagenet, Where: near Chinon, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire, France map When: [date?]
Comments: 0. WikiTree Popularity: 7.
Uploaded 2 Mar 2014. Original image 425 x 314 pixels.

King Henry II Plantagenet

Henry II Plantagenet, Where: England map When: 1255
Comments: 0. WikiTree Popularity: 6.
Uploaded 12 Jul 2014. Original image 211 x 319 pixels.

Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine (from 14th century manuscript)

Eleanor of Aquitaine, Henry II Plantagenet,
Comments: 3. WikiTree Popularity: 6.
Uploaded 8 May 2015. Original image 192 x 395 pixels.


Henry II Plantagenet, Where: Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, England, United Kingdom map When: 15 Jan 2012
Comments: 1. WikiTree Popularity: 2.
Uploaded 17 Jun 2022. Original image 363 x 599 pixels.