TASMANIA Genealogy
WikiTree is a community of genealogists — including 99 TASMANIA genealogists and amateur family historians — dedicated to growing an accurate collaborative family tree that's 100% free and accessible to everyone forever. Please join us.
G2G Activity
Most-recent posts tagged TASMANIA in our Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum:- ? May I have a Cem Cat for Swansea Tassie, please - - - - 3 Feb 2025.
- Samuel Schofield Australian Convict to Port Arthur 1832 from Manchester, who were his parents? 29 Jan 2025.
- Advice for categorization of Tennant-3119? 28 Jan 2025.
- Question on Elizabeth (Wilson) Wildey (1826-) 25 Jan 2025.
- Do you want to join the Tasmanian Team? 23 Jan 2025.
- Was this George Lucas robbed by Bushranger Daniel Priest in 1845? 21 Dec 2024.
- Is Henry Jacobs (abt.1815-1880) a VDL Convict? 11 Dec 2024.
Free-Space Genealogy Pages
- Sources and Citations - Tasmania managed by Australia Project WikiTree.
- St Aloysius Cemetery, Kingston, Tasmania, Australia
St Alysius Catholic church, 96 Beach Rd Kingston, Tasmania 7050, AustraliaKingston, Tasmania, Australia (Sep 2017) 3 photos, managed by Neil Croll.
- Hobart Walking Club Honorary Life Members managed by Sue Wyatt.
Please join us in collaborating on TASMANIA family trees. We need the help of good genealogists to grow a completely free shared family tree to connect us all.
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