Ukraine Genealogy
WikiTree is a community of genealogists — including 141 Ukraine genealogists and amateur family historians — dedicated to growing an accurate collaborative family tree that's 100% free and accessible to everyone forever. Please join us.
G2G Activity
Most-recent posts tagged Ukraine in our Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum:- Consistent naming of Mennonite Settlements (Russia or Ukraine) 3 Feb 2025.
- #OnePlaceWednesday showcase: Stańków, Lviv 15 Jan 2025.
- I couldn't find Alexei Navalny on WikiTree... 15 Nov 2024.
- Polish emigrant to the Russian Empire? 22 Oct 2024.
- Jewish Roots Connectors' Challenge October 2024- Italy 3 Oct 2024.
- Newt Dray-637 ... my brickwall ancestor 1 Sep 2024.
- Indexed records from Czortkow area? 28 Aug 2024.
Free-Space Genealogy Pages
- 1897 Census of Odessa Part 1 Odessa, Russian Empire (1897) managed by Elaine Martzen.
- 15 Nations Global Tour: Ukraine (Stop #3)
Ukriane (14 Feb 2023) 2 photos, 2 comments, managed by David Randall.
- Palanok, Zakarpattia One Place Study Palanok, Zakarpattia, Ukraine managed by One Place Studies Project WikiTree Elise Hachfeld.
Please join us in collaborating on Ukraine family trees. We need the help of good genealogists to grow a completely free shared family tree to connect us all.
Genealogy > UKRAINE
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