Category: Occupations

Categories: Categories

Parallel category hierarchies in other languages (en): de | el | en | fi | fr | nl | sv |
This is a high level category. Please do not add individual profiles. Add profiles to the narrowest category possible. See How to Categorize.

This category is for subcategories of types of work in which people are employed. If you have trouble finding an occupation in the subcategories here, try looking in Occupations by Name, which is an alphabetical list of all occupations.

See also: Industries.

Below this level, categories should refer to the people in the occupation rather than the occupation itself, and in plural rather than singular. For instance, the next level category is not Religious Professions but Religious Professionals, and it is Religious Professionals, rather than Religious Professional. As other intermediate categories are created, please keep this in mind.

This page was last modified 05:50, 21 July 2023. This page has been accessed 28,003 times.