Category: Pike Name Study

Categories: One Name Studies

Name: Pike Name Study
WikiTree page:Space: Pike Name Study
Genealogy:Pike genealogy
Map of Profiles:WikiTree+ Maps

This is the companion category for the Pike Name Study and includes other spelling variations. To add this category to a profile, you can add the One Name Study template (which will add the category automatically).

This profile is part of the Pike Name Study.

{{One Name Study|name=Pike}}

results in:

This is a mid-level category. Profiles should be added to the narrowest category possible, but may be placed here when further information is not known. See How to Categorize.

This is the top-level category page of the Pike Name Study for ancestors of the Pike surname and its variants, such as Pyke

Note: This category is a high level category and (preferably) should not be used on individual profiles. It is preferred that all profiles contained in the project be designated to a specific location(s) for the benefit of correctly identifying family lines.
If however, NO location is known or there is NO category (yet) for the correct location then this category may be used (temporary).
If new category is needed please leave a comment on Pike Name Study:

This Name Study is broken down by Regions, and then by Country. There are four location levels currently in use:

  1. Region level
  2. Country level: Many countries have already been added, other countries will be added as the need arises
  3. State or County level: Depending upon the country, further breakdown into states, regions or counties have been added on an "as needed" basis. These will be extended as the need arises
  4. City or Town level: Only some countries/states have been extended into this level, but will be expanded as more profiles are added

If possible, please sub-categorize profiles by their relevant location(s), (by adding the template below the == Biography == heading) for example:

== Biography ==
{{One Name Study|name=Pike|category=AnyLocation, Pike Name Study}}

This template will automatically add BOTH the category and the sticker. Note that additional locations can be included for a profile (without duplicating the sticker) by adding these location(s) without the template (this time above the == Biography == heading)), for example:

[[Category: AnyLocation2, Pike Name Study]]
== Biography ==
{{One Name Study | name = Pike | category = AnyLocation, Pike Name Study}}

See Also...

This page was last modified 05:55, 17 March 2024. This page has been accessed 8,550 times.