Category: Scotland, Unsourced Profiles

Categories: Europe, Unsourced Profiles | Scotland | Scotland Project Maintenance Categories

Name: Scotland
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This category is for profiles that do not cite any sources. All profiles on WikiTree need sources. Can you help? Join our Sourcerers Challenge!

Profiles are placed in this category with the {{Unsourced|Scotland}} Research Note Box. If you find a source for a profile, remove the {{Unsourced|...}} tag (or the [[Category:Scotland, Unsourced Profiles]] category if it's been used instead), even if other facts still need citations.

If you can't find a source, add a Research Notes section or comment saying where you looked. Unsourced profiles for Scotland.

33306 Unsourced Total 0000-0000 0001-1499 1500-1699 1700-1799 1800-1899 1900-1999 2000-9999 New
Category:Scotland, Unsourced Profiles 6565 72 658 1333 2319 2012 171 6
Location: Scotland, Category:Unsourced Profiles 25694 33 663 4213 8338 10984 1463 94
Location: Scotland, Suggestion 802 & 803 31 1 19 11
Location: Scotland, Suggestion 131-134 1016 50 15 76 399 464 12

Table prepared at 16.04.2024 15:12:31 (Slovenian time). Condition to prepare list (Country is Scotland). Profiles: 757300

This page was last modified 20:51, 19 July 2023. This page has been accessed 45,766 times.