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Unfortunately ZOEKAKTEN has stopped, so this page currently has no use. To find Familysearch scans you can try genealogiewerkbalk or navigate through the Familysearch catalog for the Netherlands or Belgium



Zoekakten provides an easier and faster way to find Familysearch images on microfilmed records of Dutch and Belgian archives, compared to the Familysearch method. This is accomplished by:

  • Navigating quickly to the films of a specific city or village
  • Presenting a choice of document types
  • Describing the films thus selected
  • Providing indexes to a film, so less browing is required

This site is set up and maintained by volunteers. It is free of charge, and without registration.

When researching post-1811 births, marriage attachments, or deaths in Amsterdam "zoekakten" is the most complete online source.

Quick start

The detailed description in the following sections may seem complicated, but basically finding images is as simple as this:

  1. Visit Zoekakten
  2. Click province or list of places ("Overzicht plaatsnamen")
  3. Click place to be researched
  4. Select document-type to be researched
  5. Click film to be researched
  6. Browse images of displayed film

Description of homepage

Top part

At the top is a row of (mostly) "province buttons". Clicking one of these buttons takes you to a list of places located in that province. This row is shown on every page in the site, allowing quick change of province from any page. One can switch from The Netherlands to Belgium provinces and vice versa by clicking the "België" or "Nederland" button.

The meaning of the buttons:

Nederland België
GRGroningenVWWest-Vlaanderen / Flandre-Occidentale
FRFrieslandVWWest-Vlaanderen / Flandre-Occidentale
DR DrentheVOOost-Vlaanderen / Flandre-Orientale
OVOverijsselAWAntwerpen / Anvers
FLFlevolandBLLimburg / Limbourg
GLGelderlandBVVlaams-Brabant / Brabant-Flamand
UTUtrechtBRBrussel / Bruxelles
NHNoord-HollandHTHenegouwen / Hinaut
ZHZuid-HollandBWWaals-Brabant / Brabant-Wallon
ZLZeelandNMNamen / Namur
NBNoord-BrabantLGLuik / Liège / Lüttich
LBProvince LimburqLXLuxemburg / Luxembourg
NLSpecial films: Regimental rolls and "Bibliothéque Wallone"
NANetherlands Antilles

Left part

On the left side is this column of internal links:

The most relevant link here is "Overzicht plaatsnamen" (list of places) which takes you to this page:

Here you can enter the name of the place (at least the first two letters) you want to research. Useful if you don't know a province name. The other left side links will be described later.

Right part

On the right side is this column of external links:

These links will be described later.

Navigating to films of a place

There are two ways to get to the films of a particular place, as described earlier.

Clicking a province button

This will result in a list of places like this (clicked NH):

Information on this page:

  • Gemeente-atlas: 19th century maps of this province.
  • RBS-boeknumbers: numbers of archive-books of this province available via zoekakten.
  • List of places in this province, columns contain:
    • Plaatsnaam: Names of cities and villages.
    • DTB: Number of available Baptism-, Marriage-, and Burial-books (pre-1811).
    • BS: Number of available Civil Registration books (post-1811).
    • BR: Number of available Population Registration books.
    • Indexen: Number of available indexes to films.
    • Bijzonderheden: Remarks.

Clicking "Overzicht plaatsnamen"

Entering the name of a place and clicking "Zoek" results in a list of places like this (entered "bar"):

Information on this page:

  • Plaatsnaam: Names of cities and villages. Note that both Dutch and Belgian places are listed.
  • Provincie: Names of provinces.

List of films of a place

Clicking the name of a place results in a page where one can choose films with a specific document-type (clicked "Amsterdam"):

Three columns of radio buttons are shown to choose a particular document type:
DTB - Baptisms, Marriages, Burials (pre-1811)

  • Indexen DTB - Indexes to DTB
  • Dopen - Baptisms
  • (Onder)Trouwen, Trouwbijlagen - Banns, Marriages, Marriage attachments
  • Begraven - Burials
  • Lidmaten - Church members

Burgerlijke stand - Civil Registration (post-1811)

  • Tafels - Name-indexes per year or per 10 years
  • Geboorten - Births
  • Naamsaannemingen en -wijzigingen - Adoption of surnames and changes of surnames
  • Huwelijksaangiften- Marriage banns
  • Huwelijksafkondigingen - Marriage banns
  • Huwelijken en Echtscheidingen - Marriages and divorces
  • Huwelijksbijlagen - Marriage attachments
  • Overlijden - Deaths
  • Diversen DTB, BS en BR - Miscellaneous DTB, BS and BR

Bevolkingsregisters - Population Registers

  • Content depends on availability for the selected place

Selecting a film

Having selected a document type and confirmed that by clicking "Maak een keuze" a list of films is presented:

Information in this list:

  • ID - Identification of the film at Familysearch
  • Film / Reeks op FS - Description of film contents
  • Opmerking - Special instructions or remarks
    • Index per film - The film is indexed, clicking results in a list of parts of the film (name- or year-ranges), thus limiting the amount of images you have to browse
    • Snel zoeken - Clicking loads 15 images at a time, thus providing faster access

To start browsing images click the film entry. That will open a new tab or screen at Familysearch, positioned on image 1. Alternatively one can use one of the methods described below, depending on availability for that particular film.

Selecting part of a film

When the film is listed with "Index per film" clicking on that item results in a page like this:

Information in this list:

  • Type akte - Type of document
  • Periode - Date range
  • Akten - Image range of documents
  • Index - Image range of name index on the film
  • Opmerking: Note

Clicking an entry in the "Akten"-column will open a new tab or screen at Familysearch, positioned on the first image of the range. Clicking an entry in the "Index"-column will open a new tab or screen at Familysearch, positioned on the first image of the range.

Loading 15 images at a time

When an entry is marked with "Snel zoeken" or "Snel'" clicking that mark will open a page like this:

The text to the right of the thumbnails says: On mouse-over an image will be shown enlarged !!! Click on an image to view OR download !!! No images shown at the end of the film? Please report !!!

Researching Amsterdam records

As said in the introduction, when researching post-1811 births, marriage attachments, or deaths in Amsterdam "zoekakten" is the only online source. Also, viewing images at the website of the Amsterdam archive is not free of charge. Currently the only Amsterdam images that can be viewed free of charge are the post-1811 marriage records at wiewaswie, after (free) registration. So here are some examples of searching for Amsterdam records and images.


Let's say you are searching for children of Jan Pietersen and Wijbrich Cornelissen (both with possible name variations), born between 1615 and 1640. Here is how:

  1. Visit Amsterdam Stadsarchief
  2. Enter search criteria
    1. surname: achternaam=pieters* , first name: voornaam=jan , role: rol=vader (gets you 5000+ results)
    2. click persoon to add search criteria for related person
    3. surname: achternaam=cornelis* , first name: voornaam=w* , role: rol=moeder
    4. No need for date criterium, as 5 hits are already displayed
  3. Click "Toon resultaat"
  4. Let's say you want to see the image of their first child, Henrick
    1. You will need the data shown, especially what is said under bronverwijzing: DTB 39, p.407
    2. Open Zoekakten in a new tab or screen
    3. Click "NH", Amsterdam, "Dopen", "Maak een keuze"
    4. Search the resulting list for the DTB-number in the rightmost column (use browser search)
    5. You will find M994-W15 Dopen 1603-1628 index per film; Gereformeerd Nieuwe Kerk; boek 39/40
    6. Click "index per film", which gives you a list of images by year
    7. As Henrick was baptized 15 December 1615 you can click "1616" and then browse backward
    8. Wanted image is #210, right page, left column, third entry

Marriages (pre-1811)

Let's say you are searching for the marriage of Henrick's parents

  1. Visit Amsterdam Stadsarchief
  2. Enter search criteria (note that this is only available in Dutch)
    1. surname: achternaam=pieters* , first name: voornaam=jan , role: rol=naam bruidegom (gets you 1300+ results)
    2. click "persoon" to add search criteria for related person
    3. surname: achternaam=cornelis* , first name: voornaam=w*
    4. No need for more criteria, as 1 hit is already displayed
  3. Click "Toon resultaat"
  4. Bad luck, Jan remarried. Let's say you want to see the image of that marriage anyway
    1. You will need the data shown, especially what is said under bronverwijzing: DTB 442, p.44
    2. Open Zoekakten in a new tab or screen
    3. Click "NH", Amsterdam, "(Onder)Trouwen", "Maak een keuze"
    4. Search the resulting list for the DTB-number in the rightmost column (use browser search)
    5. You will find M994-4S3 Trouw-aang. 1632-1634 [± 163 img. per jaar] Snel zoeken; Gereformeerd; boek 440/442
    6. Click "Trouw-aang.", which opens the Familysearch images at image 1
    7. As the marriage was dated 7 January 1634 you can skip immediately to image 330 (2 * 163 + some)
    8. Wanted image is #337, left page, first entry

Burials (pre-1811)

Let's say we want the image of the burial of Jan's wife Wijb(e)rich. Knowing she gave birth as late as 1633 and Jan remarried in 1634, that is the timeframe to research.

  1. Visit Amsterdam Stadsarchief
  2. Enter search criteria
  3. surname: achternaam=cornelis* , first name: voornaam=w* (gets you 400+ results)
    1. click "datum" to add search criteria for date(s)
    2. jaar=1633
    3. No need for more criteria, as Wijberich's burial record is already displayed
  4. Click "Toon resultaat"
  5. Curious, Wijberich died before the baptism of her child Elsjen on 6 November 1633. Let's say you want to see the image of that burial anyway
    1. You will need the data shown, especially what is said under bronverwijzing: DTB 1054, p.74vo en p.75
    2. Open Zoekakten in a new tab or screen
    3. Click "NH", Amsterdam, "Begraven", "Maak een keuze"
    4. Search the resulting list for the DTB-number in the rightmost column (use browser search)
    5. You will find M994-W5P Begraven 1582-1641 [± 9 img. per jaar] Snel zoeken; Gereformeerd Nieuwe Kerk; boek 1052/1054
    6. Click "Begraven 1582-1641", which opens the Familysearch images at image 1
    7. As the burial was dated 30 June 1633 you can skip immediately to image 460 (9 * 51 + some)
    8. Oops, landed in 1620, let's skip to 500
    9. A few months too late, let's browse backward
    10. Wanted image is #496, left page, sixth entry from the bottom

Births (post-1811) To Do

Marriages (post-1811) To Do

Deaths (post-1811) To Do

This is an "orphaned" profile — there's no Profile Manager to watch over it. Please adopt this profile.

  • Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)

Comments: 2

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Dear Jan,

we need to revise this page as ZOEKAKTEN is definitively closed, the page gives a 403 page error BUT the image collections are still available via Family search but a lot more difficult to get to

posted by Derek Giroulle
Great! will start using this site and hopefully wI will be able to locate what I am looking for. Thanks for posting!