Public Photo

Jean Godet, censitaire on the seigneury of Aulnay, the property of Nicole de Jousserand,

In this image:

Where: Fiefdom of Martaizé, Loudun, France map

When: 21 Oct 1634.

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Original digital image: 1080 x 1156 pixels. Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows) software. Dated 2017:09:23 07:04:01.


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Is Jean GODET the same person as Jean DOGET?

In bulletin n°8 of " Le Messager de l'Atlantique", Emmanuel Poupault states that in the report on the vessel St François leaving La Rochelle on December 12, 1641 there was a Jean Doget aboard. "Compte de tout largent paié aux hivernents repassent dans le Vaisseau le St François qui est arrivé le 27 em septembre 1640. Paié a Jehan Doget avaloir sur le billet quil a de M Daunay la somme de..."

posted by [Living Gaudet]
It is not known exactly when each of the first permanent settlers arrived in Acadia. Immigration was also extremely limited. Charles de Meou, Sieur d'Aulnay recruited his colonists from his mother's seigneury in France from 1636 until his death in 1650. Charles d'Aulnay was particularly active in France in 1641-42. In a contract dated 16 January 1642, Claude de Razilly sold his rights of La Heve and Port-Royal settlements to Charles d'Aulnay. In May of 1642, Emmanuel Le Borgne, a merchant in La Rochelle, loaned Charles d'Aulnay money to charter three ships and purchase a fourth to return to Port-Royal with supplies and settlers. In a memoire of 1644, Charles de Menou d'Aulnay had said he had succeeded in recruiting 20 couples with their families.
posted by [Living Gaudet]
Archives Départementales de l'Indre et Loire, Série C, Liasse 601, signed before the notaries Messieurs Aubri and Pasquier, at Loudun on the 21st October 1634
posted by [Living Gaudet]