Public Photo

Picnic in Robinson Grove

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Camera sleuthing:

Not mentioned earlier: This is a large photo, measuring 4 5/8 x 7 3/4" begging the question, what was the camera if this was 1892? Dr. Kirk was a physician, J Robinson a well-to-do merchant. One of the few (Kodak) cameras available with that size film was the Eastman Interchangeable View (1886-1890) and cost $100 without lenses. One of the multiple backs measured 5x8 - and could have been trimmed down to make this print.

Note that the overall focus of the photo is good, but the upper left and upper right person in the photo are blurry - I suspect this may have been spherical aberration from the lens (a Beck autograph rectilinear lens was commonly used).

If it was a smaller format camera, then the photo would have to have been enlarged - not commonly done at this time.

posted by Robert Seale
There are members of 4 families at the picnic, plus two individuals, Irene Swarts and Roy Wonn.
Joseph R Robinson family.
Bessie Wonn Robinson
Mary "Wonnie" Robinson
Josie Robinson
W V Kirk family:
"Mrs. Kirk" (Eveline Chestnut Kirk)
Georgie Kirk
Will Kirk
Raymond Kirk
Sallie Kirk
James D Kirk family (James D Kirk not in photo)
"Mrs. D Kirk" (Presumably Mrs. James D Kirk?)
Thomas Allen Kirk
"Nell Kirk"
Mary Kirk
Reuben Kolb family: (Reuben not present in photo)
"Mrs Kolb" (Sarah Amelia Barnes)
"Ben Kolb"
"Aurthur Kolb"
"Eddie Kolb"
"Ceelie Kolb"
Mary Kolb
Walter Kolb

Additionally, there are two more individuals (no profiles as of 18 Jul 2019)

Irene Swartz (born Nov 1883, daughter of Frederick and Clara?)
Roy Wonn (about age 13. Nephew of Bessie (Wonn) Robinson? Son of her brother, William E Wonn?)
posted by Robert Seale
edited by Robert Seale
Joe and Bess photo, shared with Joe's sister Lena. Lena's granddaughter Drusilla Howland, who generously shared this with current custodian 2019.
posted by Robert Seale