Maggie Andersson
Honor Code SignatorySigned 27 Jun 2015 | 47,629 contributions | 2,149 thank-yous | 498 connections
While I have stepped down as a Leader, I remain Project coordinator for Project Nordic sub-projects Sweden and Early Scandinavia Project.
If I do not answer emails within a few days, please post a comment on my profile for me to see. Google mail seems to send some WT mails to my spam folder.
I'm born, raised, and living in the west coast area of Sweden. I am currently working part-time as a genealogy researcher.
Would like to connect with others that share DNA and perhaps we could connect our branches of the big tree. Perhaps even some "unknown fathers" could be sorted out.
Most of my ancestors are from:
- Älvsborg county parishes
- Erska
- Östad
- Långared
- Tranemo
- Kilanda
- Dannike
- Skaraborg county parishes
- Istrum
- Eggby
- Skånings Åsaka
- Forshem
- Fullösa
- Jönköping county parishes
- Ås
- Bolmsö
- Västmanland county parishes
- Skinnskatteberg
- Gunnilbo
- Ramsberg
- Köping
My known emigrants:
Karl Johan Andersson from Erska parish, Älvsborg county and his wife
Elin Elisabeth (Ellen) Englund from Nedre Ullerud parish, Värmland county (no DNA connection)
Johannes Jonasson aka John B Johnson
Anna Mathilda Andersson
Gustav Anders Andersson
Augusta Josefina Olsson
And perhaps the sailor who never returned home in 1920's. Don't know if he died in a foreign port or jumped ship and was not heard of again.
I'm also working on Swedish Nobles and Royals in cooperation with Project Sweden, trying to sort out the families and add info to their biographies. I guess it will be a commitment for the next ten years or so, there's a lot of profiles to clean up and connect to the big tree.
- First-hand information. Entered by Maggie Andersson at registration.
- Maggie's formal name
- e-mail address
- exact birthdate
- birth location
- images (5)
- family tree
- father's name
- mother's name
- autosomal DNA test connections
- Maggie Andersson is a Wonderful WikiTreer Nov 29, 2020.
- Maggie Andersson is a Wonderful WikiTreer Oct 1, 2020.
- We have a new pilot! Congratulations Maggie Andersson - 100,000 plus G2G points! Apr 28, 2020.
- Maggie Andersson is a Wonderful WikiTreer Feb 4, 2020.
- Maggie Andersson is a Wonderful WikiTreer! Jul 17, 2019.
- Maggie Andersson is a wonderful WikiTreer Jan 3, 2019.
Rejected matches › › Maggie (Brauer) Anderson › Maggie L. (Anderson) Arrieta › Margaret Anderson (1849-aft.1849) › ›
We know that you are busy. We recently left a message on your profile to check in with the Profile Improvement Project (PIP). If you would like to continue with the Project, please let us know.
We would like to hear from you with any ideas or suggestions. If you do not wish to participate in the Project, please let us know. If we don’t hear from you within 14 days we will remove you from the Project, but we will welcome you back at any time.
Debi Hoag and Kay Knight, Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project
Robin Shaules, Project Coordinator, Profile Improvement Project
The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing a check-in with project members. Please review the following and let us know if you are content where we have placed you or would like to be more involved.
The Project operates in a team structure. There are currently three participant PIP Teams -- The Maintenance Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and the Biography Team. There is also the Voyage Team which guides new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team.
You’re currently identified as a member of the Unknowns Team. Are you working on a particular group of unknowns? Are you happy with the Team you are on? If you are interested in working with a different Team, please let us know.
If you have not already done so, we invite you to join the email GoogleGroup and text chat Discord channel for our project. (You will need your Wiki ID for both). Neither is required; we also use the Profile_Improvement tag in G2G for Project announcements.
We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project meet its goals. We would like to hear about the successes you’ve had and would also appreciate any feedback you have to help improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or via private message to one of us.
Sincerely, Debi Hoag and Kay Knight, Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project Robin Shaules, Project Coordinator, Profile Improvement Project
Thank you. Linda PC for Scotland Project
Ja, jag har lagt till dessa för ett antal socknar i Jönköpings län. Vad betyder OPS? Om födda, vigda och döda inte skall tillhöra socken - hur tänker du nu? Har skrivet till sverigeprojektet ett antal gånger men inte fått något svar. Har själv jobbat med Sverigeprojeket sedan jag började på Wikitree. Fick ett hot från Missy Berryann om att jag skulle uteslutas, men jag fattar inte varför. Vet du? mvh Peter
I did not threaten to expel you. These messages are not meant to be ultimatums, they are asking for people to respond. I personally sent all the private messages from everyone's personal profiles from September through December (and I kept track of them all in a database). Maybe it went to spam? I lose a lot of Email in my spam folder. I look a lot more often now.
So we are trying to figure out what happened, and make sure those we have not heard from in a long time are still wanting to stay in the project.
Please message me if you would like to stay in the Sweden subproject.
Missy (Berryann-1)
Co-Leader, Nordic Project
edited by Missy Berryann
På vilken adress har du skrivit till Sverigeprojektet? Även om Sverige nu är ett underprojekt till Nordic så kollas fortfarande google gruppen för Sverigeprojektet och jag kan inte hitta något där.
Jag vet att du en av de som varit med länge, både på WT och i Sverigeprojektet. Dock betyder det ju inte alltid att man fortfarande har intresse att delta i det gemensamma arbetet, därav behovet att göra en koll (och jag ser att Missy redan svarat på biten om "check-in mailet"). Eftersom både WikiTree och projekten utvecklats en hel den sedan Sverigeprojektet bildades så behöver Nordic Project aktiva medlemmar, villiga att delta i de olika teamen, ytterligare en anledning för att göra en "check-in.
edited by Maggie Andersson
mvh Peter
Jag kan säga att det inte verkar finnas någon mailadress i googlegruppen som har jonsheim som del av mailadressen. Har du däremot en mailadress som inte går att härleda till just ditt namn, typ "astronaut37" så är det ju mer svårt för mig att veta.
edited by Maggie Andersson
Ja det var på den sidan som jag valde att skicka till den person som var projektledare för tillfället, dock troligen inte samma personer vid de olika tillfällerna. mvh Peter
A good way to find any possible saints in Scandinavia is to use WT+ and do a text search for helige and/or hellige which more or less translates to holy. That word is most likely to be found in a nickname or middle name field of these early profiles. https://wikitree.sdms.si/default.htm?report=srch1&Query=helige&MaxProfiles=500&SortOrder=LNAB&PageSize=1000
Searching for sankt, meaning saint, is however quite useless since many parishes are named after saints so you will get locations including that word.
edited by Maggie Andersson
The Profile Improvement Project (PIP) is performing its first annual check-in with our project members. We are in the process of transitioning to a team structure. There will be three participant PIP Teams to start -- The Maintenance Category Team, the Unknowns Team, and the Biography Team. There is also the Voyage Team who guide new Voyagers. See the Profile Improvement Project Teams for a brief outline of each team. Please let us know which team(s) you would like to participate in.
For those of you who joined the Project before the Voyage started in late 2018, we would like to invite you to consider a "fast track" Voyage, especially if you plan to join the Biography Team. If you’re interested, choose a profile that you have completed to the best of your ability and compare it to the Voyage Biography Standards. If you’re at Level 2 or better, include a link to the profile in your response to this check-in for a “fast track” review.
We would also like to invite you to join the email GoogleGroup and text chat Discord channel for our project. (When you request to join our GoogleGroup, please be sure to include your Wiki ID). You will find more information on the GoogleGroup.
We thank you for all you do to help the Profile Improvement Project and WikiTree. The Project’s mission is to:
We know you’re working on profiles *smile* We would like to hear about successes you’ve had toward the Project’s goals. We would also appreciate any feedback you might have to help us improve the Project. Please share your thoughts in a reply to this comment or privately via private message to either of us.
Debi Hoag and Robin Shaules Co-Leaders, Profile Improvement Project
I am interested in joining the Unknowns Team. Since I joined PIP in 2016, before the voyage, I will send you a pm about that.
Thanks! Margaret, Categorization Project volunteer.
I noticed that our only Faergemann researcher is inactive.
You are very kind to add so many excellent images of the records for my Swedish Rosenzweig cousins!
Tack så mycket. Dana