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The name "Angelic" is an Anglicized spelling of the French Angelique. Her marriage record has the name Angelioue where the /O/ is a misreading of the letter /Q/. She married Michel "St. Cur" on 16 April 1838. The record makes it clear, unlike the 1860 census, that Angelique was her last name, and that "Julia" was her first name. However, the matter quickly becomes even more complicated. Church records in Prairie du Chien give her Indian name as Nausaresca, and her nationality as Sac (Sauk). (Waggoner, Starring, Ch. 1) It is impossible to understand this name as Sauk inasmuch as this language lacks the phonemes /s/ and /r/, and even substituting the phoneme /ϸ/ for /s/ yields no plausible words that could be components of this name. (Whittaker, 16) However, this name does end, as all Hocąk names do, in -ka or -ga. Furthermore, she is characterized as Winnebago, and Michel St. Cyr spoke that language, but is not known to have spoken Sauk. What seems most likely is that a Sauk man married into the tribe (which happened frequently) and raised a daughter in the Hocąk tribe, but the church record is based on the supposition that she belonged to the tribe of her father (on the same principle that a woman belongs to the clan of her father). The name Nausaresca might be analyzed as Nąsereka, "Cuts Through the Tree," from ną, "tree, wood"; serek, "to cut through"; and -ka, a definite article suffix used in personal names. Although unattested, it is a plausible Thunderbird Clan name. Its obvious defect is that it fails to account for the prepenultimate /s/. There is a version of the name, Nansourerska, but its analysis is no more obvious. (Waggoner, Red Wing, 325 nt 20)
She told census takers in 1860 that she was born in 1824, but that would make her only 14 when she was married to Michel. Considering that she had been married before, she must have been much older than this date suggests.
Acadian heritage connections: Julia is 17 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 13 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 14 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 16 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 13 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 15 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 15 degrees from Anne Murray, 16 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 14 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 13 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 16 degrees from Mary Travers and 14 degrees from Clarence White on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.