| Catherine (Baillon) de Baillon is one of the Filles du Roi Join: Filles du Roi Project Discuss: filles_du_roi |
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Catherine de Baillon was a noble French immigrant to New France. She was born about 1645 in Les Layes, (today Essarts-le-Roi), Île-de-France, France; the daughter of Alphonse Baillon, (Squire and Lord of the Mascotterie) and Louise de Marle.
Catherine de Baillon was among the Filles du Roi, a group of women ordered by the King to be recruited and sent to New France to marry the colony's settlers. She was one of the few Filles du Roi who had noble ancestry. She is the genealogical link between many French Canadians and royal ancestors, including Charlemagne. Catherine being from a noble French family was unusual among the Filles du Roi. Although her father was dead, she still had her mother, her tutors and a brother well-placed at court in France. Although not rich, she still brought a dowry of 1000 livres.
Raymond Ouimet and Nicole Mauger in their book on Catherine de Baillon proposed one plausible explanation.
Jean-René Côté and Anita Seni in their works on Catherine de Baillon show how Catherine's decision to migrate to New France was influenced by Louis-Théandre Chartier, sieur of Lotbinière. Unlike Ouimet and Mauger they do not believe that Catherine was a naughty young woman forced to migrate, but rather she chose to do so based on her social position and family contacts.[6][7]
It is possible that Catherine de Baillon was never confined at La Salpêtrière, as Ouimet and Mauger suggest, and that she joined the King's Daughters of her own free will. Her family was connected to someone associated with the hospital. Her mother, believing that she was not able to provide for Catherine properly may have encouraged her youngest to go to New France with other unmarried young women searching for better opportunities.
Louis Viole, her uncle and tutor to her sisters, Elisabeth and Marie-Claude, had a young aunt, Marie Defita, who may have intervened in favor of Catherine. Marie was better known as Mademoisselle Viole. She was an Assistant and the Treasurer of the Ladies of Charity, an organization that maintained close ties with La Salpêtrière. She was the head of the staff who cared for the women and girls interred at the hospital. Aware of a ship sailing for Canada at the beginning of summer 1669, it is possible that Mademoisselle Viole invited young Catherine to join the girls of La Salpetrière to avoid the costs of the crossing and to travel with the group in safety.
The decision by Catherine to leave for Canada was encouraged by the visit of Louis-Théandre Chartier, a friend and family ally. Visiting France in 1668, Mr. Chartier was able to present to Louise de Marle the many possibilities offered by New France.
Catherine de Baillon departed La Rochelle aboard the ship Le St-Jean-Baptiste on 15 May 1669 and arrived in Quebec on 30 Jun 1669.[8]
Marriage Contract
Catherine de Baillon is probably the daughter of the King who has been most studied by genealogists and historians. This interest is not related to the remarkable facts of Catherine de Baillon in New France but rather by what was revealed in her marriage contract made with Jacques Mivillve signed before the notary Pierre Duquet on 19 October 1669. The contract states that she was "Catherine de Baillon, daughter of deceased Alphonse de Baillon Squire, Sieur de la Mascotterie, and Louise de Marle". The title of his father indicates that he was a noble owner of the seigneury of the Mascotterie. This marriage contract was also the first document in which Jacques Miville was called "Sieur Deschenes". Jacques Miville had been granted land in the seigneury of Lauzon and he may have wanted to make himself more interesting in the eyes of his future wife. The marriage contract specified that Catherine de Baillon had brought from France the sum of 1000 livres of which 300 were placed in the community goods of the couple. It was quite a fortune that Catherine had with her. It is rather intriguing to find this young woman among the daughters of the King who had, for the majority of them, only 50 livres in dowry and which came from the treasury of the King of France.[9][10]
At the office of Notary Duquet, Jacques Miville was surrounded by family members and relatives. Catherine de Baillon was accompanied by Daniel de Remy, Knight of France, Seigneur de Courcelles, and Governor General for the King; Pierre de Saurel, a Captain of the Carignan-Salières regiment; Louis Roüer, Sieur de Villeray, First Counselor of the Sovereign Council; and the Captain of the vessel Le St-Jean Baptiste, Pierre Fillye. In addition to the Governor General, Claude de Boutroue d'Aubigny, the Intendant of New France, signed the contract. The presence of the Governor and the Intendant for the simple signing of a marriage contract may seem astonishing, but attests to the importance of Catherine de Baillon. Catherine had a brother in France who was close to the Royal family. Antoine de Baillon was the Squire of Gaston-Henri de Bourbon, Duke of Verneuil, who was the uncle of King Louis XIV. (see note)[11]
Marriage Catherine de Baillon married Jacques Miville 12 November 1669 at Notre-Dame de Québec.[12]
Known children of Jacques Miville and Catherine de Baillon:
After living a few years in the Miville lands in Lauzon, the couple settled on in La Grande Anse, near Rivière-Ouelle.
In 1681 the couple and four children were residing in La Bouteillerie. According to the Census: Jacques Minville 46; Catherine Baillon, sa femme, 36; enfant: Catherine 12, Charles 11, Jean 9, Charles 5; the family had 2 guns, seven cattle, and a little over 6.75 acres (8 arpents = 6.758 acres) under cultivation.[13][14][15]
Catherine and Jacques died a few hours apart in 1688, probably victims of an epidemic. Marie Catherine de Baillon died on 27 Jan 1688 in Rivière-Ouelle, Canada Nouvelle-France, and was buried on 30 Jan 1688. On the burial record, the priest wrote her name "Marie Catherina Bayon."[1]
Catherine de Baillon était une noble Français immigrante en Nouvelle-France. Elle est née environ 1645 dans Les Layes, (Essarts-le-roi), île-de-France, France; la fille de Alphonse Baillon, (écuyer et Seigneur de la Mascotterie) et Louise de Marle.
«Catherine de Baillon» a été parmi les Filles du Roi, un groupe de femmes commandées par le roi pour être recrutées et envoyées en Nouvelle-France pour épouser les colons de la colonie. Elle était l’une des rares filles du roi qui avaient une ascendance noble. Elle est le lien généalogique entre de nombreux Canadiens-Français et des ancêtres royaux, y compris Charlemagne. Catherine étant originaire d’une famille noble Française était inhabituelle parmi les filles du roi. Bien que son père soit mort, elle avait toujours sa mère, ses tuteurs et un frère bien placé à la Cour en France. Bien qu’elle ne soit pas riche, elle apporte encore une dot de 1000 livres.
Raymond Ouimet et Nicole Mauger dans leur livre sur Catherine de Baillon proposaient une explication plausible.
Jean-René Côté et Anita Seni dans leurs œuvres sur Catherine de Baillon montrent comment la décision de Catherine de migrer en Nouvelle-France a été influencée par Louis-Théandre Chartier, sieur de Lotbinière. Contrairement à Ouimet et Mauger, ils ne croient pas que Catherine était une jeune femme coquine forcée de migrer, mais plutôt elle a choisi de le faire en fonction de sa position sociale et des contacts familiaux.[6][7]
Il est possible que Catherine de Baillon n’ait jamais été confinée à la Salpêtrière, comme le suggèrent Ouimet et Mauger, et qu’elle rejoignit les filles du roi de son propre volonté. Sa famille était reliée à une personne associée à l’hôpital. Sa mère, croyant qu’elle n’était pas en mesure de pourvoir correctement à Catherine, a peut-être encouragé sa plus jeune à aller en Nouvelle-France avec d’autres jeunes femmes célibataires cherchant de meilleures opportunités.
Louis Viole, son oncle et tuteur auprès de ses sœurs Elisabeth et Marie-Claude, avait une jeune tante, Marie Defita, qui est peut-être intervenue en faveur de Catherine. Marie était plus connue sous le nom de Mademoisselle Viole. Elle a été assistante et trésorière des dames de la charité, une organisation qui entretient des liens étroits avec la Salpêtrière. Elle était à la tête du personnel qui s’occupait des femmes et des filles inhumées à l’hôpital. Consciente d’un navire partant pour le Canada au début de l’été 1669, il est possible que Mademoisselle Viole invite la jeune Catherine à rejoindre les filles de la SALPETRIERE pour éviter les coûts de la traversée et pour voyager avec le groupe en toute sécurité.
La décision de Catherine de partir pour le Canada a été encouragée par la visite de Louis-Théandre Chartier, ami et allié de la famille. En visitant la France en 1668, M. Chartier a pu présenter à Louise de Marle les nombreuses possibilités offertes par la Nouvelle-France.
Catherine de Baillon quitte la Rochelle à bord du navire Le St-Jean-Baptiste le 15 mai 1669 et arrive à Québec le 30 juin 1669.[8]
Contrat de Mariage:
Catherine de Baillon est probablement la Fille du Roy qui a été la plus étudiée par les généalogistes et par les historiens. Cet intérêt n’est pas lié à des faits remarquables de Catherine en Nouvelle-France mais plutôt par ce qui a été révélé dans son contrat de mariage fait avec Jacques Miville passé devant le notaire Pierre Duquet le 19 octobre 1669. Le contrat précise qu’elle était "demoiselle Catherine de Baillon fille de deffunct Alphonse de Baillon escuyer Sr. de la Mascotterie, et demoiselle Louise de Marle." Le titre de son père indique qu’il était un noble propriétaire de la seigneurie de la Mascotterie. Ce contrat de mariage est aussi le premier document où Jacques Miville se fait appeler "Sieur Deschenes". Jacques Miville s’était fait concéder une terre dans la seigneurie de Lauzon et il avait peut-être voulu se rendre plus intéressant aux yeux de sa future épouse. Le contrat de mariage précise que Catherine de Baillon avait apporté de France la somme de 1000 livres dont 300 étaient mis dans la communauté de biens du couple. C’était toute une fortune que Catherine de Baillon avait avec elle. Il est plutôt intriguant de retrouver cette jeune femme parmi les Filles du Roy qui n’avaient, pour la majorité d’entre-elles, que 50 livres en dot et qui provenaient des coffres du roi de France.[9][10]
Chez notaire Duquet, Jacques Miville était entouré de membres de la famille et de sa famille élargie. Catherine de Baillon était accompagnée de Daniel de Remy, Chevalier de France, Seigneur de Courcelles, et Gouverneur Général pour le Roi; Pierre de Saurel, capitaine du régiment de Carignan-Salières; Louie Roüer, Sieur de Villeray, premier conseiller du Conseil souverain; et le capitaine du navire le St-Jean Baptiste, Pierre Fillye. En plus du gouverneur général, Claude de Boutroue d’Aubigny, l’Intendant de la Nouvelle-France, signe le contrat. La présence du gouverneur et de l’intendant pour la simple signature d’un contrat de mariage peut sembler étonnante, mais témoigne de l’importance de Catherine de Baillon. Catherine avait un frère en France qui était proche de la famille royale. Antoine de Baillon était l’écuyer de Gaston-Henri de Bourbon, duc de Verneuil, qui était l’oncle du roi Louis XIV. (voir note)[16]
Mariage Catherine de Baillon épousa Jacques Miville le 12 novembre 1669 à Notre-Dame de Québec.[12]
Enfants connus de Jacques Miville et Catherine de Baillon: voir la liste ci-haut.
Au recensement de 1681, le couple est à la Bouteillerie, Jacques Minville est dit âgé de 46 ans, Catherine Baillon son épouse 36 ans; ils ont alors 4 enfants: Catherine, 12 ans; Charles, 11 ans; Jean, 9 ans; Charles, 5 ans; Le couple possède 2 fusils, 7 bêtes à cornes et 8 arpents de terre en valeur.[13][14][15]
Catherine et Jacques meurent à quelques heures l'un de l'autre en 1688, probablement victimes d'une épidémie. Décédée le 27 janvier 1688 à Rivière-Ouelle, sépulture le 30. Sur la citation de sépulture, le prêtre a écrit son nom comme "Marie Catherina Bayon."[1]
Connections to Kings: Catherine is 23 degrees from Martin King, 16 degrees from Barbara Ann King, 14 degrees from George King, 18 degrees from Philip King, 21 degrees from Truby King, 14 degrees from Louis XIV de France, 17 degrees from King Charles III Mountbatten-Windsor, 19 degrees from Amos Owens, 9 degrees from Gabrielle Roy, 19 degrees from Richard Seddon, 26 degrees from Pometacom Wampanoag and 24 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
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Categories: Migrants d'Île-de-France (Province) au Canada, Nouvelle-France | Rivière-Ouelle, Canada, Nouvelle-France | Québec, Canada, Nouvelle-France | Collaborative Profile of the Week | Filles du Roi
A Fille du Roi, King's Daughter, was a program devised by members of King Louis XIV's court. It was overseen by ministers of the king. Louis XIV kept track of the program and, if there were any difficulties, the king decided what the course of sction would be in consultation with his ministers. This program was roughly 800 commoners who were being sent to either Montreal, Trois Rivieres, and Quebec City (In current day Quebec province) which was on the St Lawrence River. Since Quebec colony was heavily populated with men, the French government decided to sent young single women to go the colony and marry one on the men and start a family there, They were more like ward's of the king. Louis XIV and the French government wanted to strenghten the colony by having French families to discourage English colonization there in Quebec.
Now the French government did not open the prisons, and whore houses and send these women, a candidate for " une fille du roi " was chosen based on a high moral character, and whether or not they were seen as being fit enough to work the farms that were being developed in Quebec colony. Candidates were expected to adhere to rigerous standards and several women were sent back to France when they behaved below thee standards.
In Wikapedia, this is the governments responsibilities to these women. To invest these kind of funds for this program, it would be reasonable to require a certain level of " moral calibre". "The title "King's Daughters" was meant to imply state patronage, not royal or noble parentage; most of the women recruited were commoners of humble birth. As a fille du roi, a woman received the king's support in several ways. The king paid one hundred livres to the French East India Company for each woman's crossing, as well as furnishing her trousseau.[9] The Crown also paid a dowry for each woman; this was originally set at four hundred livres, but as the Treasury could not spare such an expense, many were simply paid in kind." {Wikapedia, Fille du Roi, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King%27s_Daughters}
This group of women, some of which were ancestors of mine who went to the colony , married, had families and lived their lives. I am not a descendent of as French King. I am descended from commoners with heritage they put down in Acadia.
Nobody said she was the daughter of a king. She is a gateway ancestress for many, leading to kings of France in her ancestry. That has been proven.
As for her being a Fille du Roy, see Filles du Roi: Description page for data on them.
I have leaned more towards accepting Côté and Seni’s suggestion for her emigration and rejected the naughty view of Catherine. However, recent research by Gilles Brassard has made me reconsider Catherine’s motivations for leaving France. I suggest you look at Brassard’s webpage, “184. Catherine de Baillon?” available at https://conversationsancetres.wordpress.com/2023/08/30/184-catherine-de-baillon to consult his findings.
Basically, Brassard found that a Catherine de Baillon had an illegitimate child with Jean Baptiste le Tellier, corrector in the chamber of accounts, in 1668. He cautions that more research is necessary to verify that this Catherine is indeed our Catherine as she had an aunt of the same name and there was at least one other contemporary unrelated woman of the same name living in France. Should this new finding be verified, then it would appear that Catherine was indeed “naughty” and her mother would have possibly explored with her network of friends the possible alternative futures for her daughter. As her network included people associated with New France, it would appear that New France was an appealing solution to a perplexing problem.
I congratulate M. Brassard on his intriguing finding.
"The first part of this article shows the error of the relationship published in the Traite de genealogle: Jean de Thiembronne. Gillette de Thiembronne's father, is not the same person as Jean II Bournel. Seigneur of Thtembronne. " p. 170
This article is well worth carefully studying!
Catherine (Baillon) de Baillon (1645-1688) and Michelle (Hibbs) May are both descendants of Ermensinde (Namur) de Bar-le-Duc (abt.1186-1247).
I thought this e-mail made me a trusted list member for this profile. "Can you merge them as I am not pre 1500 authorised. Thank you, Micheline This message is from Micheline Gadbois [email address removed] . Click here for their WikiTree profile: https://www.WikiTree.com/wiki/Gadbois-46" I am convinced De Baillon-8 and Baillon-1 are the same because Montfort-l'Amaury yvelines fr (cf. marriage certificate) and Les Layes are in the same vicinity (AD78); as I see it, she was born in Monfort-L'Amaury and baptised in the church at Les Layes. I have also reviewed her ancestors and found only minor differences save for Jeanne de la Saussaye's parents which will need to be researched. Please explain more about the trusted list. Cordially Michele
fièvre pourpre ou variole http://www.prologue.qc.ca/pedago/metiers2/medecin/info-epidemies.htm and Ref: Thèse présentée par Gisèle Levasseur en 2009 à la Faculté des études supérieures de l'Université Laval dans le cadre du programme de doctorat en anthropologie pour l'obtention du grade de docteur (Ph. D.) S'ALLIER POUR SURVIVRE Les épidémies chez les Hurons et les Iroquois entre 1634 et 1700 : une étude ethnohistorique comparative p.143-145 https://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C2GKLB_enCA632CA632&biw=1366&bih=589&q=s%27allier+pour+survivre&oq=s%27allier+pour+survivre&gs_l=psy-ab.3...5341.10515.0.12667.
Might be of interest, she died just a few hours after her husband; they both had scarlet fever (fièvre pourpre ou scarlatine)
The migrations link to their marriage is not valid; contact should be made with [email address removed] You might want to use this source: https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-G993-F9S1-J?i=458&wc=9RLX-4WG%3A17585101%2C19508101%2C19508102&cc=1321742
Baillon-1 & De Baillon-8 appear to be the same person : same parents, both from AD78 (Montford -Lamaury & les Layes) It should be merged Michèle Calonnec
According to the following website (Catherine de Baillon Research Association), which contains a sample of Catherine's actual signature, she signed herself "Catherine de Baillon."
And this pdf, also in French, tells of Catherine de Baillon on page 20: http://www.genealogie-miville-deschenes.com/dossierPDF/LafamilleMivilleDechêneVersionfinale.pdf