First-hand information. Entered by Leon Bezuidenhout at registration.
Maternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal MyHeritageDNA test match between Leon Bezuidenhout and Athena (Arlow) Bitek, his 1st cousin . Their most-recent common ancestors are Willem Leach and Maria Krause, the grandparents of both Leon Bezuidenhout and Athena (Arlow) Bitek. Predicted relationship from MyHeritageDNA: 1st cousin - 1st cousin once removed, based on sharing 736.8 cM across 32 segments. Leon is the son of Alida Leach who is the daughter of the common ancestors Willem Leach & Maria Krause.
Maternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal MyHeritageDNA test match between Leon Bezuidenhout and Jessica Myburgh, his 2nd cousin 1x removed. Their most-recent common ancestors are Johannes Leach and Anna Bezuidenhout, the great grandparents of Leon Bezuidenhout and great great grandparents of Jessica Myburgh. Predicted relationship from MyHeritageDNA: 1st cousin twice removed - 2nd cousin twice removed, based on sharing 125.3 cM across 8 segments. Leon is the son of Alida Leach who is the granddaughter of the common ancestors Johannes Leach & Anna Bezuidenhout.
Paternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal MyHeritageDNA test match between Leon Bezuidenhout and Danie Bezuidenhout, his father (direct ancestor). Predicted relationship from MyHeritageDNA: father, based on sharing 3,530.9 cM across 22 segments.
Maternal relationship is confirmed by an autosomal MyHeritageDNA test match between Leon Bezuidenhout and William Owen Oosthuizen, his 3rd cousin . Their most-recent common ancestors are Gert Bezuidenhout and Anna van der Merwe, the great great grandparents of both Leon Bezuidenhout and William Owen Oosthuizen. Predicted relationship from MyHeritageDNA: 2nd cousin - 3rd cousin 1x removed, based on sharing 107.1 cM across 8 segments. Leon is the son of Alida Leach who is the great granddaughter of the common ancestors Gert Bezuidenhout & Anna van der Merwe.
Paternal relationship is confirmed by a triangulated group on MyHeritageDNA who share a 7 cM segment on chromosome 10, consisting of Leon Bezuidenhout and Living du Plessis, his 3rd cousin 1x removed, and Trisa Hugo, his 3rd cousin. (Living du Plessis and Trisa Hugo are 3rd cousins 1x removed.) These matches have been independently verified by via the MyHeritage Chromosome Browser. Their most-recent common ancestor is Maria Kruger, the 3x great grandmother of Leon Bezuidenhout and 2x great grandmother of Living du Plessis and 3x great grandmother of Trisa Hugo. Leon is the son of Daniel Bezuidenhout who is the 2x great grandson of the common ancestor Maria Kruger.
Only the Trusted List can access the following:
Leon's formal name
full middle name (M.)
e-mail address
exact birthdate
birth location
images (1)
private siblings' names
private children's names (2)
spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Leon Bezuidenhout's full information you must be on Leon's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
Paternal line Y-chromosome DNA test-takers:
Leon Bezuidenhout:
Family Tree DNA Y-DNA Test 37 markers, haplogroup R-M269, FTDNA kit #IN20386, MitoYDNA ID A11273[compare]
Even though I had signed up with Wikitree some while ago I am only now getting to grips with the process. The bulk of my family have either died or have just disappeared into the blue yonder. I have virtually no records of any of them, and that includes my mother and father. So, I have to resort to "uncertain" more often than not.
I live in Australia and finding anything in South African records is extremely difficult, if not impossible. When I requested a copy of my own birth certificate I was informed that the records were lost in a fire. (!?) I was sent a blank form to fill in so that the certificate could be recreated.
I truly wish I had found Wikitree before I wasted so many hours struggling with the other platforms. What made me very frustrated is how they force fed you dubious family links and inferred, potential, algorithm generated family members. So many, in fact, that I could not verify or even knew when they implied I should have known. I have very little confidence in what I have in those databases and have only got word of mouth information from a couple of aunts who have since all passed away.
I really appreciate the work you, and others, have done to help me build my family tree. The meticulous way this group works and operates is absolutely fantastic.
It is through the efforts here I discovered that my father had a sibling who died at birth that I certainly did not know about.
You have helped me achieve in a few months what I could not do in many years and at great cost with the others.
Baie geluk Leon met die eerste pelk in die Springbok span - en baie dankie vir jou uithou tydens die Thon
Wow 1459 profiele is slegs 3 dae. Wel gedaan Leon !!!
Ons as Sporingbokspan is baie trots op jou
Ek weet nie of jy dit weet nie maar .....
Jy het 6de geeindig in die hoogste induvidiele tellings afdeling waaraan altesame 703 WikiTree lede deelgeneem het
Dit wil gedoen wees
Well done Springbokke and thank you for your hard work
We are second in Diivision 1
Our overall score is 2120
The Springbok gold cup goes to our team winner Leon Bezuidenhout with the impressive score of 1459 puting him in the overall 6th place on the Wikitree connection scoreboard
Thank you for your participation in October’s 2020 Source-a-thon. Your contributions helped us to clear over 57,000 profiles that needed sourcing. This makes our Shared Tree all that much better.
Tune in for the WikiTree LiveCast - Tree Chat, talking about Sources and where to find unsourced profiles for the upcoming Source -a thon profiles. Hoag!YouTube:
Thanks for all the work you accomplished during our Connect-A-Thon 2020. It is amazing how many more profiles were created and added to our Shared Tree. You have every right to be pleased with your efforts!
Al die nuwe profiele wat jy maak hierdie naweek word getel. Die doel is om 'n profiel te gebruik wat nie gekoppel is aan WikiTree se hoofboom nie en dan al daardie familie by te sit wat jy kan opspoor. Die kompetisie begin om 14H00 vandag (Vrydag)
Voorspoed en geniet dit
Welcome to the annual Help: Connect-a-Thon
All the new profiles you make this weekend are being counted. The goal is to use a profile that is not linked to WikiTree's main tree and then add all that family you can find. The competition starts at 14H00 today (Friday)
Good Luck and enjoy.
Thanks so very much for your participation in the spring Clean-a-thon! Every suggestion you cleared (over 200!) made our Tree that much better. The WikiTree community appreciates YOU!
Hi Leon, I corrected the our edits of the place names of marriage on Pretoriús-5657 Neither the Cape Province or South Africa existed in the 18th century. For before 1806, we use "Dutch Cape Colony" and when refering to Cape Town we use de Caep de Goede Hoop.
Acadian heritage connections:
Leon is
26 degrees from Beyoncé Knowles, 24 degrees from Jean Béliveau, 22 degrees from Madonna Ciccone, 25 degrees from Rhéal Cormier, 22 degrees from Joseph Drouin, 23 degrees from Jack Kerouac, 22 degrees from Anne Murray, 25 degrees from Matt LeBlanc, 23 degrees from Roméo LeBlanc, 22 degrees from Azilda Marchand, 19 degrees from Marie Travers and 24 degrees from Clarence White
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
Even though I had signed up with Wikitree some while ago I am only now getting to grips with the process. The bulk of my family have either died or have just disappeared into the blue yonder. I have virtually no records of any of them, and that includes my mother and father. So, I have to resort to "uncertain" more often than not.
I live in Australia and finding anything in South African records is extremely difficult, if not impossible. When I requested a copy of my own birth certificate I was informed that the records were lost in a fire. (!?) I was sent a blank form to fill in so that the certificate could be recreated.
I truly wish I had found Wikitree before I wasted so many hours struggling with the other platforms. What made me very frustrated is how they force fed you dubious family links and inferred, potential, algorithm generated family members. So many, in fact, that I could not verify or even knew when they implied I should have known. I have very little confidence in what I have in those databases and have only got word of mouth information from a couple of aunts who have since all passed away.
I really appreciate the work you, and others, have done to help me build my family tree. The meticulous way this group works and operates is absolutely fantastic.
It is through the efforts here I discovered that my father had a sibling who died at birth that I certainly did not know about.
You have helped me achieve in a few months what I could not do in many years and at great cost with the others.
Thank you so very much, once again!
The Connect a Thon for July 2024
Just a heads up and to give you time to prepare should you like to join in the fun
The event starts Friday, July 19, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC) and runs until Monday, July 22, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC).
Will you join us?
Follow this link to register
Wow 1459 profiele is slegs 3 dae. Wel gedaan Leon !!!
Ons as Sporingbokspan is baie trots op jou
Ek weet nie of jy dit weet nie maar ..... Jy het 6de geeindig in die hoogste induvidiele tellings afdeling waaraan altesame 703 WikiTree lede deelgeneem het Dit wil gedoen wees
Baie Geluk Leon
We are second in Diivision 1
Our overall score is 2120
The Springbok gold cup goes to our team winner Leon Bezuidenhout with the impressive score of 1459 puting him in the overall 6th place on the Wikitree connection scoreboard
Welll done Louis !!!! You are a super star !!!!!
edited by Ronel (van Heerden) Olivier
Thank you for joining the Springbok Source a Thon team
Need to communicate? Ask a Question? Here is our new post on G2G
Looking forward to work with you
Have fun and good luck !!!
Looking forward to having lots of fun
The SA Roots team
See you in the chat
We are delighted to have you on our team !
Pleas post all your remarks and/or questions here Chat Room
Have you registered for the April 2023 Connect-a-Thon yet?
Please join the South African Springboks is our quest we will have lots of fun while we upgrade our South African team
The link to follow is :
Looking forward to see you there
Warm regards
Just a heads up and to give you time to prepare should you like to join in the fun
The next spring Connect-a-Thon will be 21-24 April 2023
Warm regards Ronel
Looking forward to have you on our team. We are going to rock !!!!
Will you join us?
To register, just click the ANSWER button and say "Sign me up!" and include South Africa team Springbokke
It would be great to "see" you there!
Kindest Regards ~ Ronel ~ South African Roots Leader
Thank you for your participation in October’s 2020 Source-a-thon. Your contributions helped us to clear over 57,000 profiles that needed sourcing. This makes our Shared Tree all that much better.
Keep up the great work!
Pippin Sheppard WikiTree’s Appreciation Team
Top 7 Baie dankie vir jou harde werk Leon Go Bokke
Good Luck and have lots of fun this weekend with the Source -a- Thon starting tomorrow
All contributions are appreciated and in the end we will all be winners, because our South African tree will be better !!
Thanks in advance for your help !!
thanks for the badge, very nice.
I uploded a pdf-file on Hans Frey's profile with the marriage records Hohenstaufen from 1673/1674. It is better quality then yours.
We hope you are all well
Great News !!!
The South African Springboks team are excited to announce that The registration for the Source a Thon is live
Please join us to make our South African profiles better !!
The 5th! Source-a-Thon will take place from the 2nd of October till the 5th of October. We really hope you will join us at our Team
You can participate by answering Here to receive your pug number.
Please also confirm that you would like to join the SA Springboks. We need al the help we can get !!
After registration please add you name to this page
Join us in the chat room and for a chat or ask your questions Talk
Warm Regards and blessings
SA Springbok team
Thanks for all the work you accomplished during our Connect-A-Thon 2020. It is amazing how many more profiles were created and added to our Shared Tree. You have every right to be pleased with your efforts!
Kind regards,
Pippin Sheppard ~ WikiTree’s Appreciation Team
Al die nuwe profiele wat jy maak hierdie naweek word getel. Die doel is om 'n profiel te gebruik wat nie gekoppel is aan WikiTree se hoofboom nie en dan al daardie familie by te sit wat jy kan opspoor. Die kompetisie begin om 14H00 vandag (Vrydag) Voorspoed en geniet dit
Welcome to the annual Help: Connect-a-Thon All the new profiles you make this weekend are being counted. The goal is to use a profile that is not linked to WikiTree's main tree and then add all that family you can find. The competition starts at 14H00 today (Friday) Good Luck and enjoy.
SA Springboks Connect-a-Thon
Thanks so very much for your participation in the spring Clean-a-thon! Every suggestion you cleared (over 200!) made our Tree that much better. The WikiTree community appreciates YOU!
Pip Sheppard WikiTree’s Appreciation Team
Thank you for joining the SA Springbokke in the 2019- Source-A-Thon.
I have added you name and number to our team page and you are all set to go..
Here is the link to our chat page. Use it to ask questions or to just chat to other members and build some "spangees"
We are honored to have you on our team.
Go Bokke Go !! Gaan kyk gerus as jy belangstel in die Voortrekkers wat saam met Retief gesterf het
Kom gesels gerus saam op ons kekkelblad; Span Springbokke Sien uit daarna om van jou te hoor !! Groetnis Ronel
Feel like helping the South African project ?
Here is how - while having a bit of competion and lots of fun :-D
The 2018 Source-a-Thon is coming soon! Save the dates: September 28-October 1.
Registration is currently open Registration Our home page Springbokke wil give you more information
Do join us
SA Roots Team
just a word (late) to congratulate you on the contributions you made during the month of November. Whatever the quantity, they are all important.
Your work is appreciated.
Guy Constantineau