"The lineage of the Blackhawk family, as given by John Blackhawk, is as follows: First, Chiakamanika (He who goes on the village), wife unknown. Second, his son, Naxi-karajusaip-ka (Fourth son, Blackhawk). Third, his son, Sayokoruspinki (Acceptance of sacrificial moccasins), Thomas Blackhawk, who died in 1899 aged ninety-five (near Black River Falls). His daughter, Henuka (First girl) married Kaxinopaka or Two Crow, and she lived to the age of one hundered. She died in Winona, Minnesota in 1904." (Jipson, 241) Exaggeration of age is commonplace among the Hočągara. As Thomas Blackhawk's eldest daughter, it is more likely that she was born in 1824, when he was 20, and that she died at the advanced age of 80 rather than 100.
Connections to Kings: Hinųga is 25 degrees from Martin King, 22 degrees from Barbara Ann King, 22 degrees from George King, 24 degrees from Philip King, 28 degrees from Truby King, 22 degrees from Louis XIV de France, 23 degrees from King Charles III Mountbatten-Windsor, 20 degrees from Amos Owens, 20 degrees from Gabrielle Roy, 27 degrees from Richard Seddon, 32 degrees from Pometacom Wampanoag and 39 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.