In an affidavit sworn on 28 August 1839, "Stephen Mack of Pecatonic, Winebago County, State of Illinois being sworn saith that he has been married about ten years, that his wife is named Hononegah, and that she is of three fourths or full Winebago blood That the father of Sd woman was named Blacksmith and resided at or near the four Lakes, and has been dead about 18 years. Deponent has been unable to ascertain fully whether Sd Blacksmith was a half, or a full Blood Wiinebago, but knows that he was at least half." (Waggoner, 25a)
There exist two garbled recollections that suggest that Blacksmith may have been married at least twice:
Carrie was about 2 years old when her mother died, so her second-hand account is slightly inaccurate, since the names Kwno and Hana are for Kųnų(gá) and Heną́(ga), birth order names for First Son and Second Son respectively. That Xųnųnįka's father was French Canadian was refuted by Stephen Mack himself (see above). However, both accounts agree that Kųnų and Heną́ were Xųnųnįka's half-brothers, which opens up at least the possibility that Blacksmith may have had a previous marriage or simply had multiple wives.
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