Utz Bohlmann
Honor Code SignatorySigned 8 Mar 2020 | 1,302 contributions | 11 thank-yous | 220 connections
Wohnort der Bohlmann in der 5.Generation in Putlitz. Firma Gas-,Sanitär-,Elektro-und Heizungsinstallation sowie Bauklempnerei, Fliesen, Blitzschutz, Haushaltswaren und Installationsartikel. Utz Bohlmann Schule in Putlitz, Pritzwalk, Demmin Zentralberufschule und Studium in Erfurt University of Applied Building and Energy Technology. Abschlüsse: Landmaschinen-und Traktorenschlosser, Klempner, Gas-Wasserinstallateur und Dipl.-Ing. Heizung-,Lüftung-,Sanitär- und Gastechnik. Mit Utz Bohlmann endet die Firmentradition mit Sitz in Putlitz, Lockstädt, Pritzwalk und Berlin. Der Sohn Jörn arbeitet in einem anderen Berufszweig. Wehrpflichtausbildung bei der NVA in Prenzlau, Eggesin, Schwerin und Eberswalde. Betriebsingenieur im Büromaschinenwerk Sömtrum in Sömmerda. Spezialprojektant in der Projektierungsabteilung der Landbaugemeinschaft Pritzwalk. Technischer Leiter (benannt Hauptmechaniker weil parteilos) der Werkstätten Auto-und Bauschlosserei, Klempnerei, Sanitär-und Heizungsbau, Tischlerei und Fuhrpark für den Baubetrieb. Nach der deutschen Vereinigung1999 die Übernahme der Firma Bohlmann in Putlitz möglich. Rentner und Grundbesitz in Deutschland (Putlitz,Pritzwalk(Kemnitz),Berlin), Thailand (Nakhon Ratchasima,Ban Maichainarong,DanKhunThot). Z.Zt. noch Konzessionsträger der Firma HEITEK in Rehfeld b. Kyritz und Geschäftsgründer und Geschäftsführer mehrerer Firmen nach beigefügtes Firmennetzfoto.
Australian Connections: Utz is 33 degrees from Cate Blanchett, 38 degrees from Russell Crowe, 35 degrees from Howard Florey, 40 degrees from Dawn Fraser, 48 degrees from Cathy Freeman, 39 degrees from Barry Humphries, 37 degrees from Bert Jacka, 45 degrees from Hugh Jackman, 37 degrees from Bertram Mackennal, 35 degrees from Rupert Murdoch, 33 degrees from Banjo Paterson and 34 degrees from Henry Ross on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
I see you've been more active recently on WikiTree and we welcome your contributions! You've also added a number of profiles for people born before 1700 (Pre-1700 Profiles), and you did self-certify for work on those types of profiles. You might want to revisit the requirements for those earlier people, however, since the source requirements are more stringent than for people born more recently. Simply citing a published family history or church documents without a link or at least a complete citation of a text is not acceptable as documentation. Please revisit the page for these earlier profiles and upgrade the sources you've provided so that they meet the requirements.
Thank you!
Paige from the Germany Project connected your branches to the world tree: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1425392/germany-project-connectors-challenge-june-large-branches
Kind regards from Black Forest
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If you need help, let me know. Otherwise, best of luck with your research!
Claire ~ WikiTree Greeter
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Use the Pre-1700 Projects list to find one which best fits your research focus. Review the project pages for special guidelines and to learn how to collaborate with the project members.
If you have any questions, click reply below this message and I will get back to you.
Peggy ~ Pre-1700 Greeter
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It's great to have you on board. Enjoy your time here, and good luck growing your branches. If you need help just click on my name you'll be transferred to my profile where you can post a message or send me a private message.
Mindy ~ WikiTree Mentor.☆♥☆♥☆•*¨*•.¸¸.
When our hearts turn to our ancestors, something changes inside us. We feel part of something greater than us. — Russell M Nelson
M.Heymann aus Schweden verwaltet die Familie Rinkel. Diese Familie Rinkel ist Teil von Theodor Fontane. Ich könnte über 40 Personen zu meinem Stammbaum hinzufügen wenn ich eine Verbindung bekomme. Kannst Du helfen? Herbert Julius Ernst Rinkel ist Mann seiner Enkelin usw. LG Utz
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Since WikiTree is different from other genealogy sites, we have a guided tour for new members at New Member How-To. Feel free to work through the How-Tos at your own pace.
Once you add profiles to WikiTree they become searchable and in my experience persons interested in these profiles will contact you and may provide further information to expand your family tree.
Great to have you on board, enjoy, and good luck growing your branches.
Ludwig :)
This is just a note to say hello and to let you know that I'm available to answer questions about joining WikiTree.
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Cindy ~ WikiTree Greeter
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