Marie Bourg
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Marie Bourg (abt. 1676)

Marie Bourg
Born about in Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-Francemap
Ancestors ancestors
Daughter of and
Wife of — married about 1698 in Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-Francemap [uncertain]
Descendants descendants
Died [date unknown] [location unknown]
Profile last modified | Created 8 Aug 2009
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Marie Bourg is an Acadian.
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This profile is part of the Bourque Name Study.

Marie Bourg was born about 1676 in Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France, daughter of Martin Bourg and Marie Potet.[1]

She was listed on the 1678 census in Port-Royal at age 3.[2]

In 1686, at Port Royal, Marie, aged 10, lived with her parents, Martin Bourc [sic], aged 36, and Marie Potet, aged 29, and her three siblings: Abraham, aged 7, Pierre, aged 5, and Jeanne, aged 2. The family owned 1 gun and lived on 3 arpents of cultivable land with 4 cattle, 5 sheep, and 6 hogs.[3]

In 1693, at Port Royal, Marie, aged 17, lived with her parents, Martin Bourg, aged 34 [sic], and Marie Potret [sic], aged 34, and her six siblings: Abraham, aged 13, Pierre, aged 11, Jeanne, aged 9, Ambroise, aged 7, Francois, aged 5, and Anne Marie, aged 2. The family owned 1 gun and lived on 30 arpents of cultivable land with 18 cattle, 24 sheep, and 13 pigs.[4]

Marie (21) married Pierre Thériot (26) (born about 1671 in Port-Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France; son of Germain Thériot and Andrée Brun) in 1698 in Port-Royal, Acadie.[1] No location was given by Stephen White.

Their known children were:[1]

  1. Joseph Theriot (~1699 - <1766)
  2. Marie Josephe Theriot (~1700 - >1752)
  3. Marguerite Theriot (~1701 - 1758)
  4. Judith Thériot (~1704 - ~1758)
  5. Cécile Theriot (~1707 - 1761)
  6. François Thériot ca 1708
  7. Élisabeth Thériot (1710 - >1753)
  8. Pierre Thériot (1712 - )
  9. Unknown Thériot ca 1714
  10. Marie Josephe (Theriot) Theriault (~1720 - >1785).


  • 1701 Rivière Saint-Antoine, Les Mines: 1 boy and 1 girl.[5]
  • 1703 Cobeguit: 1 boy, 2 girls[6]
  • 1707 Cobeguit: 1 boy less than 14, 4 girls less than 12 years of age.[7]
  • 1714 Cobeguit: 4 boys, 5 girls.[8]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 White, Stephen A., Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Acadiennes, (Moncton, N.-B.: Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1999) p. 228, 1488, 1496-1498
    Marie Bourg (Martin Bourg & Marie Potet), born around 1676. She was listed on the 1678 census in Port-Royal (age 3), in 1686 (age 10) and 1693 (age 17). Married Pierre Thériot (Germain & Andrée Brun) around 1698.
  2. Tim Hebert; 1678 Port Royal Acadian Census noting that the correlations for this census were done by Rev. Clarence J. d'Entremont, Fairhaven, Massachusetts.1678 Census 1678 Acadian Census at Port Royal:
    Martin Bourg & Marie Potet / 4 cattle; 1 gun / Abraham 6 months; Marie 3. They have 4 head of cattle [no land listed], with 1 gun.
  3. Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1686 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1686 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the Library and Archives Canada "Acadie Recensements 1671 - 1752," Images 15-60;
    at Port Royal: Martin Bourc 36, Marie Potet 29; children: Marie 10, Abraham 7, Pierre 5, Jeanne 2; 1 gun, 3 arpents, 4 cattle, 5 sheep, 6 hogs. In the original 1686 census at Port Royal, Bourg was listed as Bourc.
  4. Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1693 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1693 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the Library and Archives Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752,” Images 62-108;
    at Port Royal: Martin Bourg 34, Marie Potret 34, Marie 17, Abraham 13, Pierre 11, Jeanne 9, Ambroise 7, Francois 5, Anne Marie 2; 18 cattle, 24 sheep, 13 pigs, 30 arpents, 1 gun. In the original 1693 census at Port Royal, Potet was listed as Potret and Martin’s age was listed as 34 instead of 44 or 43.
  5. Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1701 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1701 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the Library and Archives Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752,” Images 174-211;
    Pierre Terriot, his wife, 1 hoy, 1 girl, 3 arpents. 21 cattle, 9 sheep. 12 hogs, 1 gun.
  6. Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1703 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1703 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the Library and Archives Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752,” Images 212-220;
    Pierre Terriot, his wife, 1 boy, 2 girls, 1 arms bearer.
  7. Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1707 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1707 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the Library and Archives Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752,” Images 221-237;
    Pierre Theriot and Marie Bourg. 1 boy less than 14, 4 girls less than 12; 8 arpents, 15 cattle, 8 sheep, 15 hogs.
  8. Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1714 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1714 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the Library and Archives Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752,” Images 239-261;
    Pierre Terriot and wife, 4 sons, 5 daughters.

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Bourg-508 and Bourg-6 appear to represent the same person because: Same name, date of birth, spouse

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