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His first son was named, Mau-na-suntsh-ga [Mąnąksųčka], "Shakes the Earth by the Force of His Step"; his second son bore the name, Shounk-mau-no-nee-ga [Šųgᵋmąnųnįga], "Lost Dog" (probably a nickname); his third son was called, Mau-chgoo-[w]a-shiste-ga [Mąčguwašiška], "Breaks the Band [Bow] with the Force of His Feet." The male names seem to be those found in the Bear Clan.
Mąčguwašiška is from mąčgu, "bow"; wašíš, "to break something having length by pressure or pushing, not leaving a clean break"; and -ka, a definite article used in personal names.
Two of these brothers may have been living in the Koshkonong Village of their forefathers under synonymous names, which occur frequently enough. Mąčgúnąšéška and Mągíksųčka were both living in that village in 1832. (Kinzie) Mąnąksųčka/Mągíksųčka received no allotment payment, probably because he was a minor living in a lodge with two women and one child (himself). (Kinzie)
Australian Connections: Mąčguwašiška is 16 degrees from Cate Blanchett, 25 degrees from Russell Crowe, 17 degrees from Howard Florey, 27 degrees from Dawn Fraser, 33 degrees from Cathy Freeman, 24 degrees from Barry Humphries, 22 degrees from Bert Jacka, 29 degrees from Hugh Jackman, 25 degrees from Bertram Mackennal, 19 degrees from Rupert Murdoch, 18 degrees from Banjo Paterson and 19 degrees from Henry Ross on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
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