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James Brittain (1786 - 1864)

James Brittain
Born in New Brunswick, Canadamap
Ancestors ancestors
Husband of — married [date unknown] [location unknown]
Descendants descendants
Died at about age 78 in Grand Bay, Grand Bay-Westfield, Kings, New Brunswick, Canadamap
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Profile last modified | Created 30 Dec 2018
This page has been accessed 259 times.



James was born to Col. James Brittain and Eleanor Butler. [1]

Land Petitions - - - Filed 23 Feb 1815, Fredericton / James BRITTAIN, Senior, James BRITTAIN, Junior, William BRITTAIN and John BRITTAIN and James BRITTAIN, (three items) 2 Apr 1837; 1 & 2 May 1837 / Asked for land on the lower Fork Stream (so called) which discharges into the Salmon River, on the North side, at the distance of about fifteen miles above the Gaspereau River at the head of the Grand Lake... and that your other Memorialist may have three hundred acres each in the same situation, to commence about half a mile below the second Forks, with a front of one mile extending up Stream; and extend from the Banks of said Stream into the Country half a mile on each side. "That your other Memorialist are sons of James Brittain, Senr were all born in this Province, James has a family, and the youngest of the other 2 above the age of twenty five years, and have neither of them ever received any Land from Government. That your Memorialist William Brittain has been upwards of twelve years at Sea, the greater part of which time he has been actively employed in His Majesty's Service." William Watson and Samuel Smith both of the Parish of Westfield, Farmers Make Oath and say that they these deponents some time in the month of May last past heard Mr. Charles Whitney Dy. Surveyor say that he Mr. Whitney had call on Mr. James Brittain Jr of Westfield for information respecting the boundary of a Grant to William Nethery, and the said Charles Whitney further stated at the same time in these Deponants presence that the said James Brittain Jr had showed and explained the lines and Boundarys and also the courses laid down in the said Grant to his Satisfaction in directing and guiding him in [acnowslishing] the lines of our Lots and Kennedy or McKeel which at that time measuring off - and there deponants further saith that they heard Read the annexed copy of a Letter to the Honbl. Thos Baily relating to the survey made by the said Charles Whitney and having been present at the said Survey believe that the matter and things their stated and set forth are just and true according to these deponants recollection. William X Watson Samuel X Smith (X their marks) Sworn at Westfield Kings Co on the 29th day of April 1837, before me - James Brittain, J.P. John Townsend Brittain of the parish of Westfield, Farmer, maketh oath and saith that in the early part of summer last past Mr Charles Whitney Deputy Surveyor called on Mr. James Brittain, Jr of Westfield for information respecting the line and boundaries of a Grant of land to one William Nethery in said parish this [deprovant] being present when James Brittain, Jr. shewed him the said Charles Whitney the grant alluded to, this Deponant further saith that a letter was Read to this Deponant by James Brittain, Junior addressed to the Hon. Thomas Baillie dated October last past setting forth a survey and blunder made by Charles Whitney which this Deponant believes to be correct and true as witness my hand in Westfield this the first day of May in the year of our Lord 1837. John T. Brittain Sworn to at Westfield, Kings County on the first day of May 1837, Before Me, James Brittain, J.P. James Brittain, Jr - Caveat against a Grant passing to John McKeel in the Parish of Westfield, Kings County (Note: Grant to McKeel must be bounded by the original [Nethery] line. [JB] [Jouett] ordered to establish old boundary lines, 1837 June 1st) To His Excellency, Major General Sir Archibald Campbell Baronett G.C.B. Lieutentant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick, &c, &c, &c, The Petition of James Brittain Junior of the Parish of Westfield, in the King's County -- Humbly Sheweth, That he is the owner of a lot of land in the said Parish granted to one William Nethery -- that the said Lot of Land was surveyed in the first instance by Deputy Surveyor Charles Whitney, and by a late Survey it was found to encroach upon the Grant to Nathan Frink, which latter was encheated previous to the grant passing to Nethery, which leaves the Nethery lot about 50 acres short of its compliment, and still by a later Survey made by the said Deputy Whitney, he further encroached within the imptovements, lines and marked boundaries of said Lot inlarging out a Tract of Land for John McKeel. Petitioner begs leave further to state that a part of said Nethery Lot is occupied by two coloured Men, of the names of William Watson and Samuel Smith, and who were settled upon the land soon after the Grant passing to Nethery, and have lived upon the same ever since by consent of the owners, And who will, if a grant passes to the said McKeel, be turned out of doors. Petitioners therefore Prays that Your Excellency may be pleased to order that the Grant to the said McKeel may be stayed, and the lines of the said Nethery Lott, as run in the original Survey be established and that the quanity deficient may be sold to him at a nominal price from the adjoining ungranted Lot. And as in Duty bound, Will Ever Pray, Fredericton 2nd May 1837 James Brittain Junr.[2]


  1. * "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 15 September 2014, 22:43), entry for James Britain(PID;


Susannah Belyea


Saint Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery
New Brunswick Canada

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