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John was born about 1870.
His Hocąk name is given as MoNoConMoNeeKah (1910 census), which is for Moną̄k’amonįga, from mą, mo, "earth, dirt, ground, land"; ną̄k’á, "to scratch with the foot" (cf. nągą́, ną̄ǧą́, "to scratch as a chicken does"); honį́, "to hunt for, to look for"; and -ga, a definite article suffix used in personal names. Monįga, "Hunts the Earth", is a freestanding name in the Bear Clan. So this name means, "Hunts the Earth to Dig up the Ground", a reference to how bears carefully select a den site and dig it out.
John had the following children with Sarah (1905, 1910, 1934, 1940 censuses):
Pet is not found in any census after 1905, and Ethel is not recorded in the 1905 census, so it may be, even though their Hocąk names differ, that they are the same person. In 1940, John A. and Sarah Brown are living with or next to Steve Brown. James Brown has the birth order name of Henaga, "Second Son", which means there is a missing First Son (Kųnųga). Given Steve's birthdate, it is likely that he is this son.
Both John A. Brown and Sarah Brown are shown in the 1940 census, and therefore must have died some time after this date.
Connections to Kings: John is 29 degrees from Martin King, 26 degrees from Barbara Ann King, 26 degrees from George King, 28 degrees from Philip King, 32 degrees from Truby King, 26 degrees from Louis XIV de France, 27 degrees from King Charles III Mountbatten-Windsor, 24 degrees from Amos Owens, 24 degrees from Gabrielle Roy, 31 degrees from Richard Seddon, 36 degrees from Pometacom Wampanoag and 43 degrees from Charlemagne Carolingian on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.