↑Birth. Louisiana Birth Certificate. In the possession of Tommy Buch.
Paternal relationship is confirmed by a GEDmatch One-to-one Autosomal Comparison v1.0 test match on March 4, 2020 between Emory Buch GEDmatch BZ5687609 and his second cousin twice removed (Anonymous) GEDmatch A725568. Their most recent common ancestors are Samuel Quigley and Nancy Garver, the great grandparents of Emory Buch and the 3rd great grandparents of his cousin. Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 4.1, based on sharing 50.0 cM across 4 half-match segments.
The profile Buch-358 was created by Tommy Buch at registration on Sunday, February 9, 2020.
Only the Trusted List can access the following:
Tommy's formal name
full middle name (T.)
e-mail address
exact birthdate
birth location
images (1)
private siblings' names
For access to Tommy Buch's full information you must be on Tommy's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Tommy:
Why did you just add one source to the Christina family? You got credit for that without properly finishing it, not in the spirit of the Marathon, I think.
For the record: I did not create any Christina family profiles or add any sources to any Christina profiles. I simply edited the Christina family profiles to remove the non sense stuff.
This week's featured connections are
Continental Congress participants:
Tommy is
16 degrees from Samuel Adams, 15 degrees from Silas Deane, 17 degrees from Eliphalet Dyer, 18 degrees from Ben Franklin, 18 degrees from Mary Goddard, 15 degrees from Benjamin Harrison, 17 degrees from Stephen Hopkins, 14 degrees from Edmund Pendleton, 16 degrees from Peyton Randolph, 17 degrees from George Read, 14 degrees from John Walker and 18 degrees from Artemas Ward
on our single family tree.
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