There are disproven, disputed, or competing theories about this person's parents. See the text for details.
John Burbank migrated to New England during the Puritan Great Migration (1621-1640). (See The Directory, by R. C. Anderson, p. 49) Join: Puritan Great Migration Project Discuss: pgm
John Burbank was born between 1609 and 1614 (based on age at first marriage). See Research Notes for the unproven notion that he may have been the "Joseph Borebancke," who presented a certificate for passage aboard the Abigail in 1635. aged 24.[1]
The details of John Burbank's immigration are not known or not proven; he was at Massachusetts Bay in 1639.[2] See Research Notes.
At Massachusetts Bay
The settlement of "New Plantation," also called "Roger's plantation," later Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay, was granted by the General Court on 13 March 1638/9 to Mr. Ezekiel Rogers and his company; settlement began in the spring. By the summer of 1639, the settlement consisted of fifty-nine families, "having been increased over the winter by about forty families."[3]
As "John Burbanke," he took the freeman's oath at a meeting of the General Court 13 May 1640.[4]
John was granted a house lot at Rowley in the first division.[5] In 1643, following a survey of Rowley, the freemen registered their lots with the "Recorder of the Shire accordinge to the order of the General Court." From these records,[6]
Bradford street
To John Burbanke, one lott containinge an acree and an halfe, bounded on the south side by Thomas Sumner's house lott, part of it lyinge on the west side, and part of it on the east side of the streete."
Bradford streete field
To John Burbanke foure Acres and an halfe of vpland, lying vpon The North side of Thomas Summers plantings lott : the East end butting vpon his owne house lott.
Batchelours meadow
To John Burbanke halfe and Acre of Meadow, the East end butting vpon the West end of Thomas Summers Meadow : and the other end vpoln the vpuland.
The little Meadowe
To John Burbanke halfe an Acre, lying on the Northwest side of Thomas Palmers Meadow : butting as aforesaid.
Register of the second diuision of ffresh Marsh ....
Imp : to John Burbanke one Acre, the Northeast end of it butting vpon an Lland, that lyes in the salt Marh, the South west end vpon the vpland.
Register of the second diuision of vpland ...
To John Burbanke one hundred and seauen Rod part wherof ioynes to his owne salt Marsh, the rest of it lying on the North side of Thomas Ellethrops vpland : butting as aforesaid.
Certain Parcells of Meadow ...
To John Burbanke halfe an Acree lying on the East side of Mr Edward Carltons Meadow beyond the Cowbridge vpon the same Consideration as aforesaid, the South end abutting vpon the vpland the North end vpon Mr Ezekiell Rogers his rogh marsh.
To John Burbanke one acre lying on the East side of John Bointons Meadow in Consideration of an Acre of rough Marsh laid downe by him abutting as aforesaid
Vplands laid out at the ffield called Bradford streete plaine
To John Burbanke two Acres & an halfe of vpland lying on the North side of Thoma Palmars Lott abutting as aforesaid.
In 1672 he owned some fresh meadow on Plum Island. Father Jewett bought up much of this land on Plum Island and John Burbank's acre was sold to him.[citation needed]
At a town meeting on 7th 10 : 61, John Burbanke was chosen an overseer for the coming year.[7] He was chosen an overseer "at west end" for the year 1663/4-1664.[8]
He married (1), perhaps at Rowley, before 1640, Ann _____[9] (possibly Ann Jordan, see Research Notes.) Ann died about 1641/2, and John married (2), presumably Rowley, about 1644, Jemima _____ .[10]
John Burbank died between 5 April 1681 (date of will)[11] and 10 April 1683 (date will proved).[12] Richard Coleman Witters published a transcription of John Burbank's will.[13]Jemima survived as his widow. She died 24 March 1692/3.[14]
John Burbank married twice, and was the father of five children.[15]
John and Ann Burbank were the parents of at least two children,
John Burbank, Jr., born about 1640, of Haverhill, Massachusetts; married 15 Oct. 1663, Susanna Merrill, daughter of Nathaniel and Susanna Merrill. He removed to Suffield in 1680 with several children. His wife died in Suffield in 1690; he may have had second and third wives, but no more children are known.[16]
Timothy Burbank, born Rowley, 18 : 3m : 1641 [18 May 1641] (son of "John and An"),[17] buried there 14 July 1660.[18]
John and Jemima Burbank were the parents of at least three children,
Lydia Burbank, born 7 : 2m : 1644 [7 April 1644] (daughter "John and Jemima).[19]
Caleb Burbank , born 19 : 3m : 1646 [19 May 1646] ; married 6 May 1669, Martha Smith, born 5 February 1648/9, daughter of Hugh and Mary Smith.[20][21]
Mary Burbank, born 16 : 3m : 1655 [16 May 1655] (daughter of John and Jeminiah"), [22] buried there, 12 July 1660.[23]
Research Notes
Disputed Origins / Parents>
A prior version of this profile reported John was John Burbank, Jr., born Greystoke, Penrith, Cumberland, England, about 1611, the son of John Burbank II and his wife, Anne Gordon, but this relationship was not supported by historical records and anaylsys. The proposed parents' profiles were loosely developed, lacking reliable Pre-1700 sources--their association as the immigrant's parents was 2022.
In 2015, Robert Charles Anderson found no proof of John Burbank's parentage or origin.[24]
Great Migration Directory. Burbank, John: Unknown; 1639; Rowley MBCR 1:376; RowBOP 2; Rowley Fam 54; George Burbank Sedgley, Genealogy of the Burbank Family (Farmington, Maine, 1928)]. Key
New England Marriages prior to 1700.
Burbank-[?Jordan] by 1640? marriage. He is John Burbank (1611-1681); she is first wife, Ann [?Jordan] (?1619-ca 1641/2); marriage is by 1641 or by 1640, location as Rowley. Works consulted for this entry are "Burbank 6; Cross Anc. 51; Booth (1910) 41; Reg. 61:307, 94:393-4; LBDF&P, 328; Warner-Harrington 57[?] [87]; Bridges Anc. 23."[25]
Was he "Joseph Borebancke." Joseph Borebancke, 24 yrs old, enrolled 22 June 1635 for passage to New England, aboard the "Abigail", both servants to "George Hadborne" glover, and his family, all certified by a "Justice peace & Ministr of Stepney." See John Camden Hotten, The original lists of persons of quality ... (London, Empire State Book Co. 1874), 90-91; digital images, Hathi Trust. In 1999, Robert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn, Jr., and Melinde Lutz Sanborn, developed the sketch about "Joseph Burbank," reporting no record had been found showing he arrived at New England; the same was true for the passenger George Hadborne.[27] Anderson later identified George Hadborne as Charlestown immigrant, George Hepburne, an immigrant from "Stepney, Middlesex, England (based on certificate of conformity ...)"[28]
A prior version of this profile included, "George Hadbourne, a glove maker from Stepney, Middlesex, England, who presumably paid for this Joseph's passage. Similarly, that the Joan Jorden/Jordan, age 16, also as a servant to Hadborne, is future wife, 'Ann Jordan.'"
Although no evidence regarding this particular "Joseph" is shown, further comment suggests, "the listing clerk in London often wrote Jo. for Joseph or John, and the compiler may have assumed the former, as often happened."
Was his wife Ann Jordan. The source relied upon for her LNAB appears to be the same certificate of conformity given in Hotten 91 for "Joane Jorden," age 16, the other servant to George Hepburne,
Immigration. As immigration/arrival or alternate arrival, a prior version of this profile reported his arrival 1635 on the Abigail from London to Boston citing William B. Dibble. "John^1 and Ann Burbank -- a suggested identity" in "Notes," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 94 (1940):393-94; digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors; for a republication of this article, by subscription, see Other details in prior versions of the profile included Boston, 1639 (citing Frederick A. Virkus, by subscription see,, Rowley, 1640 (citing Farmer, by subscription see,; and America, 1635 (citing Meredith B. Colket, by subscription see,
An unsourced entry in a prior profile reported, "Came to America with his mother, Jane, and his brother, Captain Samuel Burbank."
Court Records. In some of the Court Records, it is impossible to distinguish between John Burbank, Sr. and his son, John Burbank, Jr., but most of the Court records belong to John Burbank, Jr.. An interesting fact Richard Coleman Witters describes in his collection of biographies is that John the immigrant always signed his name with an X while his son of the same name, John Burbank, used his signature; leading to the conclusion that the elder was not literate.[13]
Missing Rowley Church Records. According to Richard Coleman Witters' research [13], all church records were lost in a fire on 16 July 1651 at the home of Reverend Ezekiel Rogers.
Reports of Birth. His birth is seen reported as 1600, citing AGBI; 1610, again citing AGBI; and 1611, see William B. Dibble, "John^1 and Ann Burbank -- a suggested identity" in "Notes," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 94 (1940):393-94; digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors; for a republication of this article, see, by subscription,
Unsourced baptism. A gedcom reported he was baptized 12 September 1602 Greystoke, Cumberland, England; presumed also the location one version reported as Greystoke, Penrith, Cumberland, England.
Death and burial. A prior version of this profile reported his death 10 April 1683 in Rowley, Massachusetts[29], also as "Died in Rowley, Massachusetts; not in the list for those buried at Rowley Burial Ground behind the town hall." Commented also that he "has a memorial but his actual place of burial is unknown,[30]
Deed Research.
(a) Essex County (Massachusetts) Grantee Index 1640-1799 for Burbank, begins at image 212 of 637, FamilySearch.
(b) Essex County (Massachusetts) Grantor Index 1640-1799 for Burbank, begins at image 294 of 710, FamilySearch.
↑ John Camden Hotten, The original lists of persons of quality ... (London, Empire State Book Co. 1874), 90-91; digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ Robert Charles Anderson, Great Migration Directory (2015), for John Burbank.
↑ George Brainard Blodgette, Early Settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts (Amos Everett Jewett, Rowley, Massachusetts, 1887-1933), x-xi; digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay ..., 5 vols. in 6 (Boston, W. White, printer to the commonwealth, 1853-54), 1:376; digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ Benjamin P. Mighill and George B. Blodgette, The Early Records of the Town of Town of Rowley, Massachusetts, 1639-1672 ... (Rowley, Mass., 1894), v-vi (Proem); digital images, InternetArchive.
↑ Benjamin P. Mighill and George B. Blodgette, The Early Records of the Town of Town of Rowley, Massachusetts, 1639-1672 ... (Rowley, Mass., 1894), 2, 6, 11,15, 22, 28, 42, 50; digital images, InternetArchive.
↑ Benjamin P. Mighill and George B. Blodgette, The Early Records of the Town of Town of Rowley, Massachusetts, 1639-1672 ... (Rowley, Mass., 1894), 118; digital images, InternetArchive.
↑ Benjamin P. Mighill and George B. Blodgette, The Early Records of the Town of Town of Rowley, Massachusetts, 1639-1672 ... (Rowley, Mass., 1894), 146; digital images, InternetArchive.
↑ George Brainard Blodgette, Early Settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts (Amos Everett Jewett, Rowley, Massachusetts, 1887-1933), 54; digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ George Brainard Blodgette, Early Settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts (Amos Everett Jewett, Rowley, Massachusetts, 1887-1933), 54; digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ S. G. D. and Joshua Coffin, "Early Settlers of Essex and Old Norfolk," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 6 (1852):245 (Burbank); digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ John Burbank 1683 probate (case 4009, 9 pp.), Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881; database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors; will appears as filmed pages 2-5.
↑ Richard Coleman Witters. Ancestral Roots and Descendants of Charles Robert Looney and LaVanchie Margaret Cool ... (self published, Xlibris Corporation, 2009) 113-133 (John Burbank), at 115; digital image (preview), GoogleBooks (preview).
↑ Jemima Burbank 1692/3 death, Vital Records of Rowley, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 2 vols. (Salem, Mass., The Essex institute, 1928-31), 1:448 (Burbank); digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ George Brainard Blodgette, Early Settlers of Rowley, Massachusetts (Amos Everett Jewett, Rowley, Massachusetts, 1887-1933), 54; digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ G. T. Ridlon, Contribution to the genealogy of the Burbank and Burbanck families in the United States (Saco, Maine, C.P. Pike, 1987), 2-5 (Burbank Family Records: Rowley Branch); digital images, InternetArchive.
↑ Timothy Burbank 1641 birth, Vital Records of Rowley, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 2 vols. (Salem, Mass., The Essex institute, 1928-31), 1:38 (Burbank); digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ Timothy Burbank(e) 1660 burial, Vital Records of Rowley, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 2 vols. (Salem, Mass., The Essex institute, 1928-31), 1:448 (Burbank); digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ Lydiah Burbank(e) 1644 birth, Vital Records of Rowley, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 2 vols. (Salem, Mass., The Essex institute, 1928-31), 1:38 (Burbank); digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ John Dennis Farwell, Jane Harter Abbott and Lillian Mae Wilson, The Farwell family : a history of Henry Farwell ..., 2 vols. ([Orange, Tex.] : F. H. Farwell and Fanny B. Farwell, [?1929]), 1:292; digital images, InternetArchive (borrow), or by subscription,
↑ G. T. Ridlon, Contribution to the genealogy of the Burbank and Burbanck families in the United States (Saco, Maine, C.P. Pike, 1987), 2-5 (Burbank Family Records: Rowley Branch); digital images, InternetArchive.
↑ Mary Burbank(e) 1655 birth, Vital Records of Rowley, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 2 vols. (Salem, Mass., The Essex institute, 1928-31), 1:38 (Burbank); digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ Mary Burbank(e) 1660 burial, Vital Records of Rowley, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 2 vols. (Salem, Mass., The Essex institute, 1928-31), 1:448 (Burbank); digital images, Hathi Trust.
↑ Robert Charles Anderson, Great Migration Directory (2015), for John Burbank; arrives 1639, Rowley, origin is unknown. See Research Notes.
↑ Burbank-[?Jordan] 1640? marriage, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, multiple vols. (Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015), 1:245 (Burbank); database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors.
↑ Burbank-_____ by 1644 marriage, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, multiple vols. (Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015), 1:245 (Burbank); database and digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors.
↑ Robert Charles Anderson, George F. Sanborn, Jr., and Melinde Lutz Sanborn, The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume 1, A-B (1999), 487 (Joseph Burbank); digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors.
↑ Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume III, G-H (2003), 307-311 (George Hepburne); digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors.
↑ Edmund West, comp. Family Data Collection - Individual Records. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:
George Burbank Sedgley, Genealogy of The Burbank Family ... (Farmington, Maine: Knowlton & McLeary, 1928), 6-11 (John1 Burbank); digital images, Hathi Trust.
S. G. D. and Joshua Coffin, "Early Settlers of Essex and Old Norfolk," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 6 (1852):245 (Burbank); digital images, Hathi Trust.
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Unless I have overlooked important underlying work, I didn't find evidence of historical records and analysis by which this John Burbank "Jr." would be linked to the parents,
Profile of the linked father seems confused with the immigrant (reports John Caleb Burbank, Jr immigrated 1635). Both profiles lack reference to the kind of Pre-1700 Reliable Sources that would form the basis of a proof argument.
While details of the transcriptions should be added, good work on profile of associated grandfather, John Burbank Sr, links published parish register entries for a 1563 marriage, possible birth of a son John in 1573, etc, but that research is not continued on the linked son's profile, "John Burbank II," aka John Caleb Burbank, Jr."
First, if there are no objections, I plan to work on this profile just a bit. I don't expect this to be completed in one update or one day.
Specifically, I plan to (1) move the lengthy extraction from 1940s era NEHGR to a free space page, at least temporarily; (2) create a research notes sub-section, (3) move notions of his ancestry and immigration to research notes, (4) work to create a single child list, (5) add details to some sources, (6) supplement and refine sources to both reduce duplication (some of the same source materials seem referenced under two different titles) and emphasize reliable sources, especially those that cite primary record groups.
Second, this profile is in conflict with Robert Charles Anderson's 2015 Great Migrations Directory entry. Anderson could not identify parentage or ancestry for this early immigrant, yet his profile suggests both by extending the one or another historical record to claim these as records are about the immigrant. Of these,
There seems no reason to claim records about "Joseph Borebancke" and "Joane Jorden" are about the immigrant John Burbank and his wife Ann (thus Ann Jordan), as opposed to these records forming the basis of excellent research notes. These research notes should include that Anderson and others identified Abigail (1635) passenger George Hadborne as "George Hepburne." (See The Great Migration ... 1634-1635, Volume III, G-H. by subscription, AmericanAncestors.)
While I may have overlooked some important underlying references, I didn't find evidence of a proof by which this John Burbank "Jr." would be linked to parents, "John Burbank II" (aka John Caleb Burbank, Jr.") and "Anne Gordon." Profile of the linked father seems confused with the immigrant (reports John Caleb Burbank, Jr immigrated 1635). Both profiles lack reference to the kind of Pre-1700 Reliable Sources that would form the basis of a proof argument. (While details of the transcriptions should be added, good work on profile of associated grandfather, John Burbank Sr, links published parish register entries for a 1563 marriage, possible birth of a son John in 1573, etc, but that research is not continued on the linked son's profile, "John Burbank II," aka John Caleb Burbank, Jr.").
If the immigrant's linked parents' profiles can not be improved, serious consideration should be given to severing the links, with appropriate links and notes in the different profiles.
Thoughts and comments appreciated.
Edited to add: Some AmericanAncestors links are not all working this morning, after overnight update of the site. George Hepburne sketch at The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume III, G-H, 307-311.
Hi. It was me. Fixing an inadvertent mistake. Long story short: Even though the biography provided by the Puritan Great Project and others who created John Burbank Jr (Burbank-18) correctly lists Caleb (Burbank-13) as his son, someone else had moved Caleb (Burbank-13) and listed him as the son of John Burbank II (Burbank-5), his brother. Given that this was obviously wrong, I moved him back as a son of John Burbank Jr. (see my change for Burbank-13 on Oct 26). However, in fixing this mistake, I didn't realize that the system automatically moved John Burbank II's wife, Susannah Merrill Burbank (Merrill-87) and put her as a wife of BOTH John Burbank II and his father John Burbank Jr. Thus, yesterday, I caught it and corrected it by deleting Susannah Merrill (Merrill-87) as the wife of John Burbank Jr.
There are 2 copies of his will in his probate record and they only mention wife Jemima, children John, Caleb and Lydia, grandchild Timothy (John's son)
Looks like they died young. However, I didn't find and birth for Timothy son of John? I did find another Mary d. John (no wife's name) baptized after Mary (1) died
Rowley Births
: Burbank, Mary (Burbanke), d. John and Jeminah, 16: 3m: 1655.
The five children linked to the profile are correct. Hopefully someone in the Puritan Great Migration Project can fix the biographical information to reflect this. These five children of the first Burbank to arrive in the US are listed in multiple sources including the Burbank Genealogy (by Burbank Sedgley; 1928), Early Settlers of Rowley, MA (by Blodgett; 1933), etc. John and Timothy are sons of his first wife (Anne) -- and Lydia, Caleb and Mary are children of his second wife (Jemima).
According to Anderson in "Great Migration" Joseph Burbank was enrolled as a passenger on the Abigail but no records in New England. Additionally no evidence that George Hadborne & family arrived in New England.
The passenger George Hadbourne was separately identified by Anderson as George Hepburne. See The Great Migration ... 1634-1635, Volume III, G-H. by subscription, AmericanAncestors. The sketch about George Hepburne includes comment (p. 310), "We did not notice the connection between the George Hadborne passenger list entry and the subject of this sketch when we prepared about sketch of Joseph Burbank [1635, Unknown] [GM 2:1:487]."
Edited to add: Some AmericanAncestors links are not all working this morning, after overnight update of the site. George Hepburne sketch at The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume III, G-H, 307-311.
Burbank-347 and Burbank-18 appear to represent the same person because: Tried to approve existing merge proposal and it restarted the proposal instead.
Burbank-347 and Burbank-18 appear to represent the same person because: Duplicates confirmed by clearer duplicates further down the line of descendants. Where there is conflicting data, use the Burbank-18 information.
Burbank-18 and Burbank-137 appear to represent the same person because: These John Burbank's represent the same person. Although there may be some question about John's parentage. Regardless they should be merged and carefully edited to preserve both theories of origin or lack of information on origin.
Connections to Super Bowl halftime show performers:
John is
17 degrees from Prince Nelson, 14 degrees from Dan Aykroyd, 17 degrees from Garth Brooks, 25 degrees from Chubby Checker, 22 degrees from Ella Fitzgerald, 17 degrees from Dusty Hill, 25 degrees from Whitney Houston, 19 degrees from Mick Jagger, 16 degrees from Paul McCartney, 16 degrees from Tom Petty, 16 degrees from Chris Stapleton and 17 degrees from Shania Twain
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
Unless I have overlooked important underlying work, I didn't find evidence of historical records and analysis by which this John Burbank "Jr." would be linked to the parents,
Profile of the linked father seems confused with the immigrant (reports John Caleb Burbank, Jr immigrated 1635). Both profiles lack reference to the kind of Pre-1700 Reliable Sources that would form the basis of a proof argument.
While details of the transcriptions should be added, good work on profile of associated grandfather, John Burbank Sr, links published parish register entries for a 1563 marriage, possible birth of a son John in 1573, etc, but that research is not continued on the linked son's profile, "John Burbank II," aka John Caleb Burbank, Jr."
Thank you for supporting WikiTree.--Gene
Specifically, I plan to (1) move the lengthy extraction from 1940s era NEHGR to a free space page, at least temporarily; (2) create a research notes sub-section, (3) move notions of his ancestry and immigration to research notes, (4) work to create a single child list, (5) add details to some sources, (6) supplement and refine sources to both reduce duplication (some of the same source materials seem referenced under two different titles) and emphasize reliable sources, especially those that cite primary record groups.
Second, this profile is in conflict with Robert Charles Anderson's 2015 Great Migrations Directory entry. Anderson could not identify parentage or ancestry for this early immigrant, yet his profile suggests both by extending the one or another historical record to claim these as records are about the immigrant. Of these,
If the immigrant's linked parents' profiles can not be improved, serious consideration should be given to severing the links, with appropriate links and notes in the different profiles.
Thoughts and comments appreciated.
Edited to add: Some AmericanAncestors links are not all working this morning, after overnight update of the site. George Hepburne sketch at The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume III, G-H, 307-311.
edited by GeneJ X
P.S. If this refresh is mostly acceptable to the PGM PIT team, please remove John Burbank from the spreadsheet.
It may be correct, I don't know, but I don't see any source addition. Will someone from the PGM small group please review this? Thanks.
Most of this bio (speculated origins etc ) is cut and pasted from
April 5, 1681: P.2 and then on 4-6 (out of order) Case 4009: Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881
edited by Chris Hoyt
Rowley Births : Burbank, Mary (Burbanke), d. John and Jeminah, 16: 3m: 1655.
Rowley Deaths:
Edited to add: Some AmericanAncestors links are not all working this morning, after overnight update of the site. George Hepburne sketch at The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume III, G-H, 307-311.
edited by GeneJ X