Josias Campbell
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Josias Campbell (abt. 1737 - 1811)

Josias Campbell
Born about [location unknown]
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Husband of — married about 1762 in Bedford county, Virginiamap
Descendants descendants
Died at about age 74 in Mercer County, Kentuckymap
Profile last modified | Created 4 Jan 2012
This page has been accessed 1,245 times.



SAR insignia
Josias Campbell is an NSSAR Patriot Ancestor.
NSSAR Ancestor #: 127972
Rank: Patriotic Service
Big Y700 YDNA Haplogroup
Big Y700 YDNA Haplogroup R-Z9050 Earliest Known Ancestor.

The earliest record we have for Josias Campbell is when he signed as a witness on 2 Bedford County, VA deeds for a John Campbell in 1763. John Mitchell also signed as a witness on both deeds.[1][2] It's yet to be determined who this John Campbell and John Mitchell are. John Campbell is noted in the deeds as being from 'Oring County', which is most likely a misspelling of Orange County. The land being sold in these deeds is on Little Falling River, which is in the part of Bedford County that later becomes Campbell County. John Campbell originally purchased both of these tracts of land 16 August 1756 through Virginia land grants.[3][4]

On 10 Jul 1767, Josias purchased 376 acres on Hatt Creek, adjoining the lines of his brother-in-law Daniel Mitchell.[5] The land grant notes Lunenburg County, but this area would have been Bedford County, VA in 1767 (Bedford County formed from Lunenburg County in 1753). Similar to the land sold in 1763 where Josias signed as a witness, this area on Hatt Creek is close to Little Falling River and in the part of Bedford County that later becomes Campbell County. Josias later sold this land in 1780. His wife's Cousin James Mitchell signed as a witness on the deed.[6] James Mitchell later moved to Mercer County, Kentucky where he was married[7], and this is also where Josias later moved.

Little Falling River and Hat Creek in Bedford (later Campbell) County, Virginia

Josias Campbell is a patriot of the American Revolution (NSSAR Patriot Ancestor P-127972).[8][9][10]

Josias married Susannah Mitchell.[11][12]

Children of Josias and Susannah:

  1. John, b. bef. 1765; m. Nancy Jones 19 Sep 1785 at Bedford Co., Va.
  2. Mary Enos, b. bef. 1765; m. 1st Martin Jones 17 Apr 1793 Mercer Co., Ky. Mary married 2nd Phillip Shuck Jr.
  3. David Daniel, b. 3 Feb 1771; m. Elizabeth Campbell 28 Apr 1796 Mercer Co., Ky.
  4. Elizabeth, b. 1 May 1772 Bedford Co., Va.; m. Allen Jones 19 Jan 1792 Mercer Co., Ky.
  5. Margaret, b. 1777; m. William Smith 21 Oct 1793 Mercer Co., Ky.
  6. Susannah, b. 1780; m. Jermiah Gowens 7 Mar 1799 Mercer Co., Ky.
  7. Frances Gillespy, b. after 1784; m. James Jones 21 Jun 1805 Mercer Co., Ky.

Josias went from Bedford County, VA to Mercer County, KY.

Josias signed the marriage record for four of his daughters:

  • On 19 Jan 1792, Elizabeth married Allen Jones in Mercer County, KY.[13]
  • On 17 Apr 1793, Mary's 1st marriage to Martin Jones in Mercer County, KY.[14]
  • On 21 Oct 1793, Margaret "Peggy" married William Smith in Mercer County, KY.[15]
  • On 21 Jun 1805, Frances Gillespey Campbell married James Jones in Mercer County, KY.[16]

On 4 Nov 1805, Josias was grantee on a deed for 320 acres on the waters of Chapline in Mercer County, KY from James Brumfield deceased. The deed states "whereas by a certain writing obligatory signed by the said decedant in his lifetime by which he bound himself to convey to the said Campbell three hundred and twenty acres on the waters of Chapline in the said county of Mercer... near a small lick in the land of James Mitchell."[17] The next deed in the deed book is a similar transaction from Brumfield deceased to James Mitchell for land on Campbell's line.[18] It's likely Josias had already been living on this land per this prior arrangement, since he is known to be in Mercer County at least as early as 1792 when he signed his daughter Elizabeth's marriage record. On 1 Oct 1810, Josias sold thirty acres of this land on the Chaplin River for one hundred and eighty one dollars.[19]

Josias signed his will in Mercer County, KY on 12 Nov 1807. His will states "my two sons John and David", who he names as executors of his will.[20] Inventory of his estate was taken 11 Dec 1811[21], with settlement account 20 Aug 1813[22] and division of estate 14 Aug 1815.[23]

See more information about Josias Campbell on the Campbells of Bedford County Virginia and Campbells of Mercer County Kentucky WikiTree pages

Reminiscence of John C. Smith

My father (William Smith) was born on James River under Tobaccorrow Mt., Amherst Co., Va. He imigrated to the state of Ky. about the year of 1792 or 1793. He stopped in Mercer Co. where he became acquainted with my mother, a girl of about 14 or 15 years of age, her name was Margaret Campbell, the daughter of Josiah Campbell. My mother was born in the year of our Lord 1777, in Bedford Co., Va. My grandmother Campbell's name was Susannah Mitchell before she was married. The exact time my grandfather migrated to Ky. from Va. I am unable to say, but it was at a very early date, for I have heard my mother say she was a very little g irl at the time, so small and young that she could only remember a part of the incidents that took place on the way. My grandfather did not venture alone but I think about sixty souls in number. After a long and tedious journey the arrived and settled in Mercer Co. where my grandfather and grandmother resided and brought up numerous offspring living and enjoying all the priviledges of the Presbyterian Church. My grandfather had a distillery, but I supppose he did not carry it on very extensively as he had a farm to cultivate and was also a blacksmith by trade. I think my great-grandfathers Campbell and Mitchell were both Irish and came from Ireland to America in company together.

This journal was finished March 21, 1876 written by John C. Smith, grandson of Josias Campbell.[24]

Unidentified Campbells On Record With Josias

John Campbell from 'Oring County', VA in the 1763 Bedford County deeds, where Josias signs as a witness.[1][2] There is an Admins Account for the Estate of John Campbell in 1760, Orange County. John Maxwell is paid for being guardian of the orphans, one named Matthew. John Maxwell is also paid for board and nursing of John Campbell.[25] Not sure if there is any connection between John Campbell from the Bedford deeds and John Campbell from the Orange County Admins Account.

Matthew Campbell from Lunenburg County, VA who signed his will 13 Sep 1763 and died by 13 Oct 1763. His will notes son John, daughter Salle, and other underage children.[26] The account of sales of the estate of Matthew Campbell was taken on 9 Feb 1764. This record notes Josias Campbell 10 barrels corn @ 9/7, then the end of the record notes for the support of the children 10 barrels corn @ 9/7.[27] It's possible Josias may have taken care of Matthew's underage children. James Mitchell is also noted on this record. Matthew's probate records are Lunenburg County. Records between Bedford and Lunenburg are mixed since Bedford County formed from Lunenburg County.

Research Notes

According to the Bedford County, Virginia, 1774-82 Order Book, Josias furnished supplies to the Revolutionary Army. [Source: DAR Magazine, vol.76, p. 356.] He provided 350 pounds of beef to the army for which he was allowed 16/8. [Order Book #6,Bedford Co., Virginia, dated 1774-1782.]

According to Josias' grandson, John Smith (son of daughter Margaret Campbell and William Smith), Josias died suddenly "at a good old age" in the presence of his son-in-law Phillip Shuck, possibly of a stroke or heart attack. Josias' wife, Susannah, lived several years after her husband's death, but may have lost her vision.

Y-DNA Evidence

There are 4 descendants of Josias Campbell who have taken the BigY-700 Y-DNA test and have terminal haplogroup R-Z9050, combined with unique STR pattern DYS464=15-15-16-16 and DYS714=28.

R-Z9050 Summary

Where Y-DNA, Autosomal DNA, and Documentation Align

1 Y-DNA tester and the father of another Y-DNA tester who are descendants of Josias Campbell and Susanna Mitchell have also done autosomal DNA. Both have matches through the children of Susanna's father Robert Mitchell (Samuel, Stephen, and Daniel) who are named in Robert Mitchell's will which is attached to this profile (8cM-18cM). Josias Campbell is also named in the will of Robert Mitchell.

Autosomal DNA evidence for Campbell / Scott / Mitchell descendants


  1. 1.0 1.1 Deed: Bedford County, VA Deed Book 2 Page 308
  2. 2.0 2.1 Deed: Bedford County, VA Deed Book 2 Page 310
  3. Grant: Description: 400 acres on Little Falling River, adjoining McDavids line. Source: Land Office Patents No. 33, 1756-1761 (v.1, 2, 3 & 4 p.1-1095), p. 30 (Reel 31-32).
  4. Grant: Description: 416 acres on the Little Falling River and adjoining McDavids lines. Source: Land Office Patents No. 33, 1756-1761 (v.1, 2, 3 & 4 p.1-1095), p. 41 (Reel 31-32).
  5. Grant: Description: 376 acres on Hatt Creek adjoining the lines of Daniel Mitchell. Source: Land Office Patents No. 36, 1764-1767 (v.1 & 2 p.557-1083), p. 1062 (Reel 36).
  6. Deed: Bedford County, VA Deed Book 6 Page 406
  7. Marriage: Kentucky, County Marriages, 1783-1965, Mercer County, KY, Film Number 000191840
  8. American Revolution: SAR Patriot Index Edition III (CD: PP2210, Progeny Publ, 2002) plus data to 2004
  9. American Revolution: DAR RC 760807
  10. American Revolution: ABERCROMBIE & SLATTEN, VA REV PUB CLAIMS, Volume 1, pg 114, 115
  11. Will: Bedford County, VA Will Book 2 Page 239
  12. Deed: Mercer County Deed Book 8 Page 192
  13. Marriage: Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783-1965, Mercer County, Film number 000191840
  14. Marriage: "Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954", , FamilySearch ( : Sat Feb 24 05:37:30 UTC 2024), Entry for Martin Jones and Mary Enos Campbell, 17 Apr 1793.
  15. Marriage: "Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954", , FamilySearch ( : Sat Feb 24 06:40:53 UTC 2024), Entry for William Smith and Peggy Campbell, 21 Oct 1793.
  16. Marriage: "Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954", , FamilySearch ( : Sat Feb 24 05:38:23 UTC 2024), Entry for James Jons and Frances Gillespey Campbell, 21 Jun 1805.
  17. Deed: Mercer County Deed Book 7 Page 396
  18. Deed: Mercer County Deed Book 7 Page 398
  19. Deed: Mercer County Deed Book 7 Page 453
  20. Will: Mercer County Will Vol 4 Page 240
  21. Will: Mercer County Will Vol 4 Page 258
  22. Will: Mercer County Will Vol 5 Page 35
  23. Will: Mercer County Will Vol 5 Page 237
  24. Family History: genforum post at
  25. Will: Orange County Will Book 2 Page 305
  26. Will: Lunenburg Will Book 2 Page 184
  27. Will: Lunenburg Will Book 2 Page 210

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Campbell-8638 and Campbell-3751 appear to represent the same person because: Similar name, same wife, similar dates
posted by Neal Parker
Campbell-15206 and Campbell-8638 appear to represent the same person because: These profiles are the same person, thank you
posted on Campbell-8638 (merged) by Adam Campbell
Campbell-27568 and Campbell-8638 appear to represent the same person because: dates, locations, family members all match
posted on Campbell-8638 (merged) by Debi (Moseley) Matlack

Australian Connections: Josias is 14 degrees from Cate Blanchett, 21 degrees from Russell Crowe, 16 degrees from Howard Florey, 23 degrees from Dawn Fraser, 30 degrees from Cathy Freeman, 23 degrees from Barry Humphries, 18 degrees from Bert Jacka, 25 degrees from Hugh Jackman, 21 degrees from Bertram Mackennal, 18 degrees from Rupert Murdoch, 18 degrees from Banjo Paterson and 13 degrees from Henry Ross on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.