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Patrick Campbell (1700 - bef. 1772)

Patrick Campbell
Born [location unknown]
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
[spouse(s) unknown]
[children unknown]
Died before before age 72 in Donegal Twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvaniamap
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Profile last modified | Created 10 May 2024
This page has been accessed 36 times.



Patrick was born in 1700 (year of birth estimated) and passed away before 27 Jul 1772 when his Last Will & Testament was probated in Donegal Twp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Patrick's wife Mary's first husband was James Smith who died in 1739.


Last Will and Testament [1]
Written: 17 Jun 1772; Probate: 27 Jul 1772
I Patrick Campbell of Donegall Township and County of Lancaster in the Province of Pennsylvania
I Give and Bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Campbell and her Heirs & assigns That tract or parcell of Land Situate in Donegall Township on which I now reside containing one hundred and sixty eight (168) acres…
I give & bequeath to Campbell Smith son of my son in law William Smith of Baltimore Town & to his Heirs the sum of one hundred pounds (£100)
I give and bequeath to Patrick Campbell son of my Brother David Campbell deceased & to his Heirs the sum of one hundred twenty pounds (£120)
I give and bequeath to David Campbell son of my Brother David Campbell deceased & to his Heirs the sum of one hundred sixty pounds (£160)
I give and bequeath to Samuel Campbell son of my Brother Robert Campbell deceased & to his Heirs the sum of one hundred thirty pounds (£130)
I give and bequeath to Robert Campbell son of John Campbell dec(?) the sum of twenty pounds (£20)
I give & bequeath to William Campbell son of John Campbell the sum of ten pounds (£10)
I give & bequeath to Mary Campbell Daughter of my brother David Campbell the sum of ten pounds (£10)
I give & bequeath to Jean Campbell Daughter of my brother David Campbell the sum of twenty pounds (£20)
I give & bequeath to Martha Campbell Widdow & Relict of my Brother David Campbell dec’d the sum of ten pounds (£10)
I give & bequeath to Elizabeth Montgomery Widdow & Relict of Patrick Montgomery dec’d the sum of twenty pounds (£20)
I give & bequeath to Margaret Hutchingson widow and Relict of John Hutchingson of Paxton Township dec’d the sum of ten pounds (£10)
I give and bequeath to Robert Campbell son of Samuel Campbell the sum of ten pounds (£10)
I give & bequeath to Mary and Agnuss Campbell daughters of Samuel Campbell the sum of ten pounds (£10) Curr. money to be equal divided betwixt them
I hereby declare it to be will that my wife Mary Campbell Pay the Sum of Thirty Shillings per annum so long as She remain in possession of my present dwelling plantation to be appropriated in discharge of the Yearly Stipends the Rev’d Wm Tate provided he continues pastor of his present Congregation during that Time and on Condition that the pew formerly John Sates and adjoining the West door of Donegall Meeting house be appropriated for her use
And I further desire it to be my will that none of the above mentioned legacies Shall become payable Until the full Term of two years after my decease
And Whereas my brother David Campbell at his Decease left an Account against me for a Certain Sum which I was not Indebted to him it is my will, that if any of his Heirs or any Person on their behalf Claim or demand any part of said Account from my Estate that then none of his Children or their Heirs Shall be Intitled to or receive any part of the several Legacies bequeathed to them in my last will or any part of my Estate whatsoever
And Further it is my will that my Mulatto Slave named George Christie be Free at the decease of my wife Mary Campbell provided he be then arrived at the age of Twenty five Years and Likewise that he behaves in a faithfull & dutifull manner as becomes a servant to do during the Natural life of my wife Mary aforesaid And I do hereby Constitute and appoint my beloved wife Mary Campbell Ex’s and my son in law William Smith Ex’r (of Baltimore town) of this my last will & Testament
(Signed) Patrick Campbell
Sign’d Seal’d Published & Pronounced
By the said Patrick Campbell as his last will & Testament in Presence of
Rob’t Spear, Jas Cook, Randel McLure

Research Notes

Family Relationships Based On LW&T

Campbell Smith “son of my son in law William Smith of Baltimore Town”. Patrick's wife Mary's first husband was James Smith who was the father of William Smith. Apparently William Smith had affection for his step father and named his son Campbell Smith.

Mary LNU (b: 1719); m: 1) James Smith (d: 1739), 2) Patrick Campbell-66783
William Smith-98431 (1728-1814); m: Elizabeth Buchanan-5353 (1733-1781)
Campbell Smith-180011 (1768-1802)

David Campbell, deceased, brother; m: Martha (£10)

Patrick Campbell (£120)
David Campbell (£60)
Mary Campbell (£10)
Jean Campbell (£20)

Robert Campbell, deceased, brother

Samuel Campbell (£30)
Robert Campbell (£10)
Mary Campbell (£5)
Agnus Campbell (£5)

John Campbell, deceased, relationship not stated

Robert Campbell (£20)
William Campbell (£10)
John Campbell (£10)

Not sure who Elizabeth Montgomery, widow of Patrick Montgomery and Margaret Hutchison, widow of John Hutchison of Paxton Township are. Are these daughters of Patrick?


  1. Last Will & Testament-Patrick Campbell:
    "Lancaster. Will Books 1730–1773, Wills 1750–1837" > image 544 of of 589 FamilySearch Image: 3QSQ-G99B-VZ6J (accessed 10 May 2024)

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