Category: 5th Pioneer Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force, World War I
Categories: Canadian Expeditionary Force, World War I
Organized in March 1916 under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel H. R. Lordly. Authorization published in General Order 69 of 15 July 1916.
Mobilized at Montreal.
Recruited in Quebec.
Left Halifax 27 November 1916 aboard METAGAMA.
Arrived in England 6 December 1916.
Strength: 26 officers, 609 other ranks.
Absorbed by 5th Canadian Divisional Engineers at Witley in February 1917. Disbanded by General Order 63 of 1 June 1917.
Colours presented at Point St Charles race track on 3 June 1916.
Library and Archives of Canada notes, the Pioneer Battalions, “worked in conjunction with the Engineers, and continually in the Forward Area...The work is varied but consists of consolidating positions captured by the infantry, tunnelling, mining, wiring, railroad work, deep dugout work and laying out, building and keeping trenches in repair.” [The Pioneer Battalions LAC]
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