Category: 87th Battalion (Canadian Grenadier Guards), Canadian Expeditionary Force, World War I
Categories: Canadian Expeditionary Force, World War I | Canadian Grenadier Guards
The 87th Battalion, which was authorized on 22 December 1915 as the '87th "Overseas" Battalion, CEF'. Based in Montreal, Quebec, the unit began recruiting in September 1915 in Montreal, the surrounding districts, and also in mining districts elsewhere in the province.
It embarked for Britain on 23 April 1916. It disembarked in France on 12 August 1916, where it fought as part of the 11th Infantry Brigade, 4th Canadian Division in France and Flanders until the end of the war. The battalion was disbanded on 30 August 1920.
Upon redesignation as The Canadian Grenadier Guards on 29 March 1920 (see above), it was organized as a two battalion regiment with the 1st Battalion (87th Battalion, CEF) on the Non Permanent Active Militia order of battle.
It is perpetuated by The Canadian Grenadier Guards.
- Photographic Record and Souvenir of the Canadian Grenadier Guards Overseas Battalion "Eighty Seventh"
- Canadian Forces - The Canadian Grenadier Guards
- 87th Battalion (Canadian Grenadier Guards), CEF - Wikipedia
- War Diary/Journaux de guerre, 87th Canadian Infantry Battalion, LAC/BAC RG 9/GE 9, Series III-D-3, Vol. 4944, File/dossier 455; and/et A. Fortescue Duguid, History of The Canadian Grenadier Guards, (Montreal, 1965), pp. 102-230.
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