Category: Adelaide (1832)

Categories: 1830s Ships | Ships by Name | Immigrant Ships to New Zealand

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This is a Ship Name Category for Linking categories grouped by the Ships Voyages
Not intended for the Categorisation of individual Profiles which can be Categorised under the following Voyage Categories
but If you don't know which voyage your individual traveled on or it isn't listed yet, then link them here so that at some stage they can be moved to the correct voyage.

- Voyages are dated from the Year they departed not the Year they arrive at their destination, If not in the same year
- Voyages to Australia are dated by their arrival date at their final destination in Australia.
- Not all Voyages may be listed

The ‘ADELAIDE’ was built 1832 in Calcutta. Wood ship of 640 Tons.

Lloyd's Shipping Register 1836
Ships: Adelaide, S
Masters: Guthrie
Registered Tonnage: 640
Where: Calcut
When: 1832
Owners: Baring, Br
Port belonging to: London
Destined Voyage: Lon-Bombay, Lon-Calcut

Subcategories (5)

This page was last modified 08:50, 24 March 2023. This page has been accessed 176 times.